So much of our life is geared toward the future achievements and successes that it’s often hard to remember that it is the present we inhabit.

We are forced to be ‘big girls’ and ‘big boys’ before we are ready.

We are trained to think about university before we’ve finished our H.S.C – Higher School Certificate.

We are asked our thoughts on marriage and having babies before we’ve even dated someone for six months.

The list goes on, but the point is that our success is often measured by where we are headed instead of where we actually are.

Although there’s nothing wrong with planning, visualising and looking ahead, many of us struggle to reach the future without really paying attention to what is going on in the present.

My clients most often come to me wanting to create a great future, and they are often surprised to learn that the way to do this is by taking care of the present first.

We begin this work by facing the truth about your life circumstances and what they are telling you. If these are not what you want them to be (and they usually are not), we will work diligently to change your life focus, re-examine your priorities and come up with solutions to your present-day problems.

Taking care of all these things releases a tremendous amount of negative energy, after which attracting a great future is easier.

This is Debbie’s story…

A personal training studio in Melbourne asked me to help one of it’s members, Debbie, to achieve the goal of getting in the best physical shape of her life.

She had been given a professionally designed exercise schedule and routine, but she was always too exhausted to follow this regime.

When we began working together, it was clear to me that she was hoping we could skip over the reality of the present (that she was exhausted) and magically get her into the best shape of her life.


Focusing on the present, Debbie and I discovered that she didn’t leave the office until quite late every night. In addition, she did not eat well or drink enough water during the day, and she didn’t get enough sleep.

To solve these challenges, we created an ideal schedule that allowed her time to include meals and adequate rest. It meant more delegating at work and being ruthless with her time.

I knew that Debbie’s motivation and ability to change her future could develop only if she took better care of herself in the present.

It is just impossible to reach a future goal if the present is not set up to support it.

Yet we continue to waste our present in hope for a better future. “If only I had this (or that), things would be better” we say. Or, “If I can just make some money to cover this credit card debt, then I’ll be alright”. Or, “When I find a partner, I will be happy”.

I truly learned the power of now throughout my journey with cancer.

Whatever the case may be for you, keep in mind that the fastest way out is through.

This section is about facing the truth and doing something about it.

The results may be even better than what you were spending your precious present moment wishing for.

For me, I earned the gift of life.

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