There are three places your intuitive is usually hiding out: your unconscious mind, collective consciousness and the superconscious or spiritual connections.

I am going to give you good reasons to consider using these three sources of intuition as viable options for making choices in your life, if you have yet to include your intuitive side in your life. If you already do, we’ll be taking your use of intuition to the next level.

What are the characteristics of each of the three sources of intuition?

Intuition from the Unconscious

Your unconscious mind holds all the information you’ve learned, acquired and experienced. When your brain is searching for an answer or guidance on something, it may look to the unconscious, the corners too obscure for your conscious self to recognise. As we focus on using our intuition, what becomes interesting is that the unconscious will take old information and form a new relationship to it. We may then use it to guide us.

Bringing up information from the unconscious is like rediscovering a forgotten possession in your garage or storage unit. It becomes new again and serves you in ways it did not before. For example, suddenly remembering a childhood story that you haven’t thought of in thirty years might give you the perfect sentiment to share with a friend.

Intuition from Collective Consciousness

Have you ever been standing in traffic, felt drawn to look at the person in the next car, and caught that person staring back at you? We are connected in our thoughts to other people, whether we choose to believe it or not. You turn your head to look into the next car because you somehow feel that the other person’s gaze or sense their presence.

You knew to turn without knowing why you knew.

When we ask for directions, sometimes we are tapping into a collective consciousness of information that comes to us in the form of an intuitive hit or understanding. Collective consciousness is the same principle that makes it possible to sometimes heal people through a prayer chain, or to think you came up with a unique, secret idea only to find your friend halfway around the world from you had the very same thought. The collective consciousness is a pool of information we can all tap into for guidance.

Intuition from the Superconscious or the Spiritual

Whether we believe in a higher source or not, we have all admitted at one time or another that some events, coincidences and synchronicities cannot be explained by logic alone. So, if it isn’t logical or rational, let’s agree it came from the super conscious, the part of us in touch with what can only be reached beyond our own souls.

An intuitive notion from the superconscious, especially when you are not used to asking it for directions, will probably feel somewhat alien to you. Your intuition will probably tell you to do or say something or go somewhere that may seem out of character for you. The direction may not appear logical, but following it can have a pay-off. The prize for doing so will usually be an insight, result or idea that makes complete sense once you’ve heeded your intuition’s direction.

I remember going on a spur of the moment getaway by myself to Fitzroy Island, situated just off the coast of Cairns. Whilst I was there, my intuition told me to abandon the planned route I had prepared for my daily hike. As uncomfortable as I was in not charting a planned course, I let my feet follow my intuition. I was not afraid, but I remember sensing a suspended reality as I let myself be guided by something intangible. As a result, I came across the most amazing beach that no one on the island had mentioned to me, and as I sat there in the silence of nature, the power of the ocean, crashing around me, I remember experiencing a beautiful yet overwhelming feeling of connection with nature and life. I was physically alone, yet felt completely at one with the universe.

Recently I have also been participating in a very simple, yet powerful form of meditation, called Kirtan. It’s effortless and joyful and involves musical instruments that keep the flow of the melody and rhythm. Kirtan is an ancient Indian call and response chant practice with its roots originating from Buddhism. The ancient chants contain powerfully renewing, transformative energy that assist in a reconnection with the divinity that resides within all of us. It is a means of finding our way back to the core of our being, to our heart and to our connection with each other. After experiencing a chant session my body energetically buzzes for weeks afterwards.

It is most definitely something that I cannot explain.

It is these types of discoveries that rate as among the most magical moments in my life.

These experiences also ensure I walk away with a big lesson about the value of being flexible when it comes to any plan. I have seen and experienced how often something better than what you can plan or build can be waiting for you if you’re open to it.

Intuition is as innate as the wisdom that I trust by now you believe you possess. Some people think intuition and wisdom are virtually interchangeable.

I don’t.

So let’s take a minute to make the distinctions between them clear. Intuition is the data, the intuitive realisation of a possibility. Wisdom is what you do with it.

Acting on your intuition is following your own wisdom. Learning from the times your interpretation of your intuition was not quite accurate is also wisdom.

If wisdom is the memory of the soul, then intuition is the funnel of the information that empties into you for your wisdom to process. All the impressions and information comes to you through your intuition and wisdom helps you act on it.

Our journey to unearthing the blueprint to your best life has been about shedding the obstacles that keep your own wisdom at bay. One of those obstacles has been remaining unaware of your intuition. By examining how to tap into your intuition and understanding how to weave it into your life, you’ll soon be able to rely on your intuition instead of ignoring it.

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