How do you lead a life that includes intuition and direction from less than concrete, logical sources?

Based on my own studies and experiences, I believe there are four steps that must be considered:

Be Open to Intuition

Your work practicing silence and taking care of your life responsibly sets you up to hear what has always been lying right beneath the surface of logic and fact. When problems are at a minimum and your mind is quieter, there is room for your intuition to come through. However, you must be a believer to have it find you. Suspend judgment and trust the freefall this brings.

Expect Intuition

Give up the notion that everything is in our control when it comes to creating your best life. Expect to co-create that life with your world by listening to its guidance. This takes the burden off you and gives life a flow that you will begin to trust.

Ask for Guidance from Your Intuition

Later in this section, I’ll show you how to ask for guidance and intuitive messages in writing, but you can also do it verbally whenever you want. Ask the wiser part of you what you need to know about a specific concern or what you need to do about a specific situation. Be sensitive when waiting for an answer. It may come as something you hear, feel or see; it may even be something you interpret from a dream or that someone tells you.

I use this with something as simple as finding my keys. I ask myself, “Where are my keys?” take a deep breath and wait for what occurs to me. I usually find my keys when I follow that next thought.

And I know most of us have experienced that at some point or another!

Act on Your Intuition

Intuitive inklings are wasted when they are not acted upon. Although they may direct you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, and even if you do not get the result you expect, acting on an inkling will help you learn about yourself. Remember, your intuition is designed for your own good. It always has your very best interests at heart.

Let’s raise your awareness with the attached activity and educational video in the next lesson!

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