Set your intention & look beyond the words

We have seen that changing a few words in  ‘LYBL QUESTIONS’ can make a world of difference in the quality of the answer you receive, and the truth is that changing the words alone is not enough. Going from good to great answers to ‘LYBL QUESTIONS’ depends not only on what words you use but also on where your underlying focus is. Everything must start out with the right intention.

To get the most productive results, your underlying focus should be on solutions and forward motion for your life. When you play with the words, the questions change and their power to change your life multiply. By committing to monitoring your inner motivation, however, you not only change your life, but you begin to transform who you are.

When you can remain grounded and stay focused on solutions and forward motion during the adversities of your life, you’ve already begun to align with your best life blueprint.

Your life can flow instead of getting stopped behind a dam of blame, criticism, problems and anxiety. The focus on your inner motivation (intention) makes all the difference.

In ‘Your Awakening’ there are really only two choices: are you someone who intends to stay ‘stuck’, or are you someone who intends to move forward?

To use ‘LYBL QUESTIONS’ successfully, you must intend to move forward.

To live well you must never stop moving forward.

I’m not talking about motion for motion’s sake; it’s more about focusing your efforts on getting out of any potholes as soon as you can, even if you fall back into them later. Although such a shift in focus may require a fundamental change in you, it’s the only way to ensure that when you ask ‘LYBL QUESTIONS’, you’re not just mouthing the words.

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