21 Day LYBL Manifesting Challenge

Attract more Money, Wealth & Abundance into your life

The ‘21 Day LYBL Manifesting Challenge’ kicks off!

This Challenge is centred around shifting the dial on your Money, Wealth & Abundance.

For only $21 (or $1 Per Day) you’ll receive daily LYBL abundance hacks delivered straight to your email, including video trainings and our hottest tips to manifest more wealth and abundance into your life.

This is a great way to make some significant change not only over the next 21 days to rewire some new thinking around money, wealth & abundance, but to also implement some new strategies in this area of life that will set you up for a more abundant life.

In other words, to bring some simple yet powerful focus and in essence raise up our collective consciousness and high vibe energetic vibration to call in what is so readily available to us all.

Let’s raise our vibration to become a manifesting magnet and usher in more Money, Wealth & Abundance over the month of June to set us up for an incredible 2nd half of the year and beyond.

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