My Best Life Ultimate Toolkit

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Are you living your Best Life?

Or is life just happening to you, washing over you like ocean waves (and often battering you against the rocks)?

Are you swept up with the current, at the mercy of your environment rather than steering the boat to where you want to go?

Perhaps your life is zipping by too quickly and you feel stuck in an unfulfilling status quo… and it’s getting hard to keep pretending that everything’s fine.

And you’re hungry for change.

You know you deserve to live your best life… you just need to find your way forward.

That’s where we come in.

The LYBL movement unites people like you from all around the world. People who are taking control of their lives, bringing themselves back to a place of balance, and living as the best version of themselves they can be.

A must-read for anyone seeking inspiration, motivation, and self-improvement.
Get your copy today and join the thousands who have already been transformed by Michele’s powerful words.

Live Your Best Life

Discover the #1

Amazon Best Seller

by Michele Jones

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It's time to start living a life you Love

Let’s face it – life can get pretty out of sync sometimes.

You might start putting in more hours at work, only to realise your health is taking a back seat (hello to quick and dirty burgers at the office). Or maybe you dive headfirst into a new relationship, and neglect to take time out for your own spiritual needs. When your core needs are out of alignment, life starts to tip over… and it’s a short slide down to struggle town.

The LYBL movement takes a holistic approach to align the physical, mental, and spiritual planes within us, focusing on the 8 core foundations that make up a fulfilled life:

Live Your Best Life colour wheel diagram

LYBL gives you the coaching, resources, tools, and support to stay in balance and create your best life.

Everything you need is within you right now, so allow yourself to activate your true potential and illuminate your life. Together we can close the gap between the life you’re living now, and the life you truly desire.



How We Can Collaborate


1:1 coaching support and guidance to help you design, create and live your best life.


Our 3 day houseboat retreats transform lives (and they’re loads of fun too). Come join us on our next weekend away.


Motivational and business keynote speaking that’s value packed and fully energised for maximum effect.


Get the professional guidance you need to create the lifestyle and successful coaching business you deserve.

Michele Jones

Creator, LYBL

Creator and founder of LYBL, Michele brings over 25 years of experience in coaching, training, mentoring and supporting others to live their best life. Since the age of 15, Michele has been dedicated to inspiring others to design, create, and live life on their terms.

Michele’s unwavering focus and inexhaustible passion for helping people has driven her achievement of multiple qualifications across different coaching methodologies, making her a supremely qualified coach with thousands of hours of experience in changing lives.

Through the LYBL movement, Michele’s vision is thriving all over the world as more people join the LYBL community across the globe. Supported by a team of amazing Ambassadors and LYBL Coaches, LYBL has come into its own as the campfire that’s always there to support and guide your journey towards living your best life.

Want to learn more about LYBL?

Watch This Video

Are you ready to accept your call to adventure?

What it Means to
Live Your Best Life

Youare connected toyour purpose in life.
You're in CONTROL of your thoughts and behaviour
YOU INFLUENCE the outcomes you want to achieve
You feel energised and present in all areas of your life.
You're respectful of your body's needs.
You're self empowered and love who you are.
You Feel PASSIONATE about everything you do.
OH, and you LAUGH , a lot.
My Best Life Ultimate Toolkit

FREE Best Life Toolkit

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