
LYBL is proud to have the support and dedication of a team of outstanding ambassadors. These amazing coaches live by the LYBL philosophies and apply them both in their own lives and in the coaching of others. Each ambassador runs their own successful business and brings a unique wealth of experience, knowledge, and spirit to the LYBL community.

Sheree Burman

Ambassador Sheree Burman

What does Living my Best Life (LYBL) mean to me?

LYBL is to embrace all the adventures life has to offer! It is to take action and in the great words of Walt Whitman in the answer of “O Me! O Life”- “That you are here—that life exists and identity. That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse”.

When I was a kid, Saturday mornings was my favourite day of the week. It was the time I could immerse myself into the world of She- Ra- Princess of Power: The Most Powerful Woman in the Universe! I loved that her super powers included strength, speed and agility with empathy and understanding. Who wouldn’t want to be more like She-Ra?!

To embrace adventures in my life, I tap into all my “She- Ra-esque” (that’s a word!) resources:

  • Insatiable curiosity along with an inspiring thirst for learning
  • Courage and strength to “Say Yes and work out How”
  • Unwavering gratitude for the people and world around me

Becoming a LYBL Ambassador has provided the environment for me to use and share these awesome super powers. Everyone has these resources within them now, and I love that the LYBL program provides people the opportunity to discover that for themselves.

As your LYBL Ambassador at events, I wear a variety of hats. I have the pleasure of presenting some amazing content for you, working with you one on one and working alongside the rest of the awesome crew to ensure the event is an epic experience for you.

What an awesome community to discover your super hero powers to Live Your Best Life!

Dave Thompson

Ambassador Dave Thompson

I love the LYBL philosophy because of its simplicity and internal focus – just ask yourself what your “best life” looks like, and automatically you have a target to focus on and move towards.

I love being in the space of LYBL – it’s a space of respect, truth and vulnerability, where you are encouraged to express every side of you. This is a rare phenomenon in modern life and I believe that’s why it’s such a powerful message to champion!

Living your best life is not an easy thing to do, but if you’ve got the right strategies, resources and people around you, it is often far closer than you think! That’s why I love being an LYBL Ambassador, because I love seeing people connect to the truth, express the truth, and then live their truth – which is their best life, whatever that looks like for them.

I’d say to people, if the LYBL message resonates with you, jump on board, you’ll love the ride!!

I describe my best life as “living outrageously”, which comes in many forms – I help inspiring people write and publish their own book, and I take them to a tropical paradise to do it! I coach people to personal and business success, whatever that looks like to them, and I love seeing them live their dream. I also love playing in nature, surfing, fishing, hiking, and generally doing fun stuff! Ohh yes, and I love coconuts!!

That’s me. That’s my best “outrageous” life. What’s yours?

Tara Davidson

Ambassador Tara Davidson

For many years, I was living what I thought was my best life. In retrospect, it was far from it. I lived on the wild side, made bad choices but lived with a sense of freedom which meant living life by ‘my rules’.

I realised this was not getting me anywhere. I was working hard, playing hard and had nothing to show for it. I discovered that the life I had created was not the life I wanted. Sad but true. I didn’t know what my dream life was. I had lost my way. So much so, I didn’t recognise myself anymore. I looked in the mirror and asked myself, “Who was I? And what did I stand for? How did I get here?” As part of my journey of self-discovery and self-transformation, I took ownership of my life.

I was attracted to the Live your Best Life way of living because it captures a person’s individualism. It empowers people to be who they truly are. The Live Your Best Life family is an amazing tribe to be part of. The message is simple, powerful, effective and changes lives.

I believe that health is a key component to living a full and rewarding life. Health is one thing that you can’t buy. It is vitally important to honour our body and listen to its needs.

As a Live Your Best Life Ambassador I am able to bring my life experiences, strategies and hope to people as they connect with their life purpose and gain clarity about their road forward. Its life changing stuff.

Describe me in a nutshell: Adventurous, competitive and flexible. I love the sun, having fun, everything about water and nutritional tasty snacks – that’s me. Looking forward to meeting you.

Matthew Liam Gardner

Ambassador Matt Gardner

The LYBL Movement reached out, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, dragged me into a dark alleyway and then gave me a Snickers while lovingly caressing me into a soft humm of happiness and fulfilment.

Hey! I’m Matt Gardner. Someone once told me I could become whatever I wanted in life, so I did. I became a Coach, a Poet and an Adventurer. On any given day you could find me anywhere in the world zen-ing out on mountain summits, coaching business owners from my kayak, rhyming away on stage in front of hundreds, or getting my ass kicked playing beach soccer with homeless Indonesian kids!

It wasn’t always this way. In fact for a really long time I had no idea what living my best life actually meant. I’d self-sabotage and hold myself back right when I’d get close to where I wanted to be.

My LYBL journey has been as much about letting go of those things that were holding me back as it has been about connecting with where I am going. It was only once I had moved through that journey that I could start living and breathing my honest, powerful authentic self in each and every moment of my life. I cannot wait to support you as you do the same.

Nathan Evans

Live Your Best Life, the philosophy and mission is simple and yet so profound, even challenging. LYBL applies to everybody and can apply to anybody, at any stage in life, from any walk of life, young or old. LYBL is elevating consciousness and love worldwide.

I believe there is no greater love than the love of self. Not in a selfish or narcissistic way. Rather in a complete, aligned, holistic and authentic way of understanding your own deep seeded values and beliefs, challenging those, and creating new ones where desired. By creating self-love, then and only then can one truly exude their own truth, authenticity, vulnerability and true love.

In my life I have studied constantly, started, grown and lost companies, been blessed with three magical children, and been married to my best friend for almost 25 years. I’ve had a complete breakdown and been declared bankrupt, represented towns, states and countries in sport, and travelled throughout many parts of the world paid for almost entirely by clients. It’s been a hell of a ride so far, with so much more to come.

LYBL has become a part of my ethos of life as I continue to grow and experience life and live my best life. Having spent most of my adult life challenged with mental illness, and living a life internally of silent despair and solitude whilst “acting” a completely false perfection on the outside, adopting fully the LYBL philosophy and way of living has enabled me to embrace all that I am and actually choose to live my best life.

I am blessed and grateful and even more so now, as part of the LYBL family I feel so privileged to give my knowledge, my love, my vulnerability and my true self as a coach and a human being.

Living My Best Life is accepting myself and taking full responsibility for all that I am, all that I have chosen in my past and all that I am becoming.

I invite you and I challenge you to join the LYBL family and come on the journey, I can assure you, it is a choice you will cherish!

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