Raving Fans

Fritz Dale Leong
Fritz Dale Leong
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Best Team and Best Mentor. I learned a lot on how to live my best life.
Luke de Pierri
Luke de Pierri
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
The LYBL team has been incredible for personal growth. Michele and Tegan are amazing resources and know how to bring out the best in people
Tara Davidson
Tara Davidson
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I am currently working through the blueprint program. I like the format and exercises to assist in learning more about myself and what I want. I would highly recommend this program for anyone looking to restart in a new direction or to rise to a higher level personally and/or business/career. I have found it great as I navigate a career change from the health & wellness industry ro the financial services / financial planning arena.
Ellowiese Mullan
Ellowiese Mullan
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I started my journey with LYBL last year, it’s been 4 months since I started the online blueprint and I just have to say oh my god ? The support that you receive from Michelle and her beautiful Team is like no other! It feels like you’re a part of a community that treats you like family, no one here is to judge you on your journey it’s all love and support no matter what level you are at! I have gained so much self-awareness and have experienced the universe showing up for me in strange magical ways! I have finally built the strength and courage to start my sober journey (it’s been a lifelong goal for a long time) it’s been 13 weeks since I last had a drink and I feel incredible! If it wasn’t for starting the blueprint and choosing to take my life in a different direction, I feel I would have just been going through the motions of life without stopping and taking the time to figure out what I truly deserve and desire as my best life. I will forever be truly grateful for being a part of such an amazing community! The monthly catch ups and one on one coaching have helped me changed my life immensely! I just want to say a massive shoutout to all the blueprint members, coaches, Michelle and everyone who will be joining the journey soon. Thank you for showing up for you and choosing to live your life by your design! Much love, Ellowiese xxx
Dave Thompson
Dave Thompson
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
5 star organisation, the real deal, have dramatically assisted me in my life and business to be better, do better, and have more of what I want. I buy their products, attend LYBL workshops, and get coaching from the team. Highly recommend for anyone hungry to live an outrageous life on their terms.
Sheree Burman
Sheree Burman
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I have gained so much support and empowerment from the LYBL community while transitioning from full time employment to self employment. The content in the modules and the people within the program have helped me build and significantly expand my business in it's very first year. Extremely thankful and grateful for all the LYBL team have provided!
Kurt Christian
Kurt Christian
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I have known of Michelle and the LYBL Team for over 5 years. It took me about 2 years to engage with her and the LYBL team, which was 2 years to long if you ask me now. The year of 2020 we when I decided to start working with Michelle and the team, our business grew over 300% that year! I still work with Michelle and the team to this day and it’s been one of the best decisions i have made in my personal and business life. So thanks Michelle and the team at LYBL❤️
Chantelle Mullan
Chantelle Mullan
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
the LYBL family have been super supportive throughout the course, the community is all very welcoming and they always make sure your progressing and can reach out any time you feel stuck. This is my first ever personal development course, the LYBL platform is easy to use on your phone or laptop making it accessible anywhere. I love that it is all self paced and I can fit it into my busy schedule, the catch up calls and events are always full of lots of love, laugh and value for each of their members. I am very eager to keep progressing with my journey each blueprint allows you to discover the tools and inspiration for you to start living your best life, which is such a beautiful blessing to discover. I am forever grateful for the beautiful people that make up the LYBL community and their team, I can't wait to be apart of their future courses and continue to grow with all of the LYBL family. :) xx
Amber Lear
Amber Lear
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
LYBL started my journey towards awakening and living a better life. The most life changing and profound program I’ve ever taken. A truly special experience. For anyone wanting to take their lives to a level you never knew possible, I highly recommend LYBL. So grateful I get to be apart of the family ❤️
Mary Briere
Mary Briere
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Great personal development programs that cover all aspects of life from health, growth, financial goals, relationship development just to name a few, great team of coaches, experienced and knowledgeable in both business and personal development growth.

Hear how Kelly & Sharissa transformed their lives with the Best Life Blueprint Program

Hear how Katherine & Danuta transformed their lives with the Best Life Blueprint Program

More LYBL Testimonials

It is an honour for me to share my experience utilising, implementing and living by the LYBL principles and philosophy.

I was first introduced to the systems and structures of LYBL in 2015, when I confessed to Michele that I felt like I was on the Merry-Go-Round of life.

My business was at a stand still, my marriage was stale, I was wearing so many hats I didn’t know if I was coming or going.Michele heard my plea, made time for me and came to my house with flip chart in hand. That day marked my first one-on-one session in life and business coaching.

We set an intention for the session and then spent the next three hours getting ‘real’. Michele has a way of creating space to allow people to look in the mirror and see things from a different perspective.

That session changed the course of my life, my business and the life of my family.

Michele believed in me, more than I believed in myself. She saw potential I didn’t see.

I wanted more.

The shape of my life changed, my business grew, my marriage deepened, my family bonded.

My love for LYBL evolved, I wanted not only to continue to grow and expand personally, I wanted to help others see their light, identify their seeds of potential and flourish.

During this time, I became a certified wellness coach, fitness coach, stretch specialist and Amazon best seller of “Truth Fully Heals”.

I am honoured to be one of the first LYBL Ambassadors, leading the wellness portion of the LYBL transformational 3-day houseboat events, workshops and one-on-one offerings.

LYBL has the tools and resources to change lives when a person is ready and open to look inward, take responsibility and ownership of where they are, and begin to reframe the voices in their head to shape their new truth, to live their best life.

I am a believer of people owning their own health which runs parallel with living their best life

.Living your best life isn’t about listing goals and action items.

To me, LYBL means to;

  • Dig deep to reveal my hearts song or calling + stand in truth to who I am
  • Speak truth
  • Be true to my values and beliefs
  • Believe and have faith

What does all this mean? How do I find these things? What does living my best life mean? What is my first step?

For me, it is to;

Acknowledge – the situation/feeling

Accept – the truth, don’t believe the lies

Ask – for help, forgiveness or forgive

Action – walk forward, take steps be led from within

And then… Repeat.

My favourite phrase of the LYBL manifesto is “say ‘yes’ to adventure”. I lead my life by saying yes to adventure, staying true to my innate voice, trusting my instinct and jumping in the deep end of life.

If I can leave one thought of encouragement it is to get off the bench and starting playing the game of life. You must roll the dice and keep moving forward.

Love deeply.

Learn with all your Heart.

Believe, Trust, have Faith and Do.

Saying ‘yes’ to adventure has led me on my greatest learnings. I have faced challenges and many unknowns. Stepping into my un-comfort zone wakens my mind body and soul. It keeps me aware and awake.

For those of you who want to know more about my story, my life and how I stay true to myself you can read my book, Truth Fully Heals or enjoy my recent blog ‘Lucky Living’ when I share how I sold our family home and gave away all personal possessions, bought a sailboat in the Caribbean, got stuck at sea ‘country-less’ and unknowing of my future during the global pandemic as the world ports closed while home schooling my teenagers on a journey to migrate to the USA.

You can find the ‘Lucky Living’ blog here —> https://davodream.wordpress.com/2019/11/29/ adventure-of-a-lifetime-how-it-all-began/Want a copy of my Amazon best seller ‘Truth Fully Heals’?  Check it out here —>  https://www.amazon.sg/Truth-fully-Heals-Tara- Davidson/dp/1519303149

I am currently studying to become a Flexologist for Stretch Lab, Little Italy as well as creatively stretching myself to become as one with my ukulele, settle into a new country and gain a green card residency for my husband.

Living is grand, it is a privilege so live your best life as if you only had today to live.

Tara Davidson

I was probably the most hesitant person not knowing exactly what I wanted to get out of this experience and what was to come…Although looking back now it was definitely one of the best things that I did for MYSELF.☺

This experience has definitely changed my life through all the tough times and emotional bursts I’ve come out understanding a lot about my balance between my health/work/me time…If your considering this experience I’d say just DO IT!! With just a couple of systems and structures that I’ve learnt, not only have I been able to tackle a few issues from my past, I’m really excited for the future!!

Leanne Platt
Business Owner, Platinum Marketing, Gold Coast

Having the one on one sessions early, Tegan and I worked so well together. She understood that I didn’t have set goals, or any focus really so took me through exercises to find blockages. Finding out that one of my core beliefs is morals completely changed the way I interacted with colleagues and gave me a place of understanding why there was conflict instead of the anger from confusion. We got a lot more of my obstacles worked out than the many therapists that I have seen. Whilst there is a big difference in a life coach and a therapist, I realised it was the moving forward part I have been craving and it felt good. I am consistently learning ways to move forward.

Since starting with LYBL, even the small amount of work I have done (due to other commitments), has had dramatic effects. I am looking at things very differently. I am having all sorts of opportunities coming into my life easily, and I am allowing them. The ‘bad luck’ I spoke about previously feels like it’s changed to ‘good luck’ and it’s amazing. I am watching my interactions with friends, and I’m noticing what I am saying as it is helping me understand more of who I want to be. This is particularly fun, as I’ve allowed myself to start dating – when you go through the very basic questions: what music do you like, what foods are your favourite, etc, really does help ask yourself who you are. It also helps to show you the triggers you need to work on. I believe without doing the work I’ve done so far with LYBL, I’d be fumbling through and ruining another relationship (work or personal) by not being aware.

I am making time for me. I am accepting what the world is giving me, and appreciating what I already have. With each interaction, I am noticing if it is serving me – if it is, I keep it. If not, I move on and learn the lesson. And I am starting to build a list of small goals.

You might not think you need a coach – but it’s like having that friend you want that is blunt but sensitive, forward thinking yet in the moment, supportive yet gives space. You find out, with the help of your life coach, that this friend is you. The life coach just gives you the tools to let you Live Your Best Life.

I am very grateful for this opportunity, and it has exceeded any expectation I had.

Tara Lake

Rory DixonI attended the ‘Live Your Best Life’ 3 day Empowerment Event aboard the LYBL Houseboats in May 2015 & have continued to work with Michele since then. Since returning from the houseboat retreat my life has taken a huge transformation, I am now exercising daily and eating a clean, green diet that allows me to function with greater efficiency and more energy.

My business is starting to take shape and move forward in ways that I never knew existed 6 months ago…I just want to thank Michele and the whole LYBL team for the life changing experience and say that I truly cannot wait for the next time.

Rory Dixon
mavriQ Global - Sydney, New South Wales

Listening, applying and trying to fully understand ‘PEP Strategy’, ‘Values Pendulum’ & ‘ESIP’ have really opened up my mind. The journey of trying to master these strategies has given me an instant gratification in being self aware and has also made my mind expand to areas that I thought weren’t possible. I’m glad to have the opportunity to network with people that think this way.

Romesh Patrick
Generation Marketing Group - Perth, Western Australia

Challenging in a good way!

I attended Your Best Life to get rid of my bullshit and make a change. I wanted to find self-love, happiness and fun in my life again, and Your Best Life helped me empower myself to be ME! Everyone was awesome, the food was amazingly good, the content of the program was insightful and challenging (in a good way!).

The LYBL team gave me a level of support and attention that is beyond amazing. The only thing I didn’t like about the weekend was that it had to eventually end!

Erin P

Damon McDonald LYBL Spotlight

My name is Damon and I have started a company called “I am Awesome”. It is who I needed to become to make my dreams come true. Learning to believe in who I see in the mirror was my journey from rock bottom to living my best life. I am now an author of Iam Awesome, Who are you? and Founder of the Iam Awesome Movement, an online inspired learning concept based on exploring and implementing Values and Principles for kids.

I met Michele in 2017 just after I had a heart attack while struggling suicidal depression. Michele appeared at the perfect time to guide my thinking inward and supported my journey to discovering who I was and more importantly who I needed to become. That journey helped me to understand what I was capable of if only I could believe in me. Even though Michele was engaged initially as a business coach it became evident that the real business was my inner journey.

Since working with Michele I have started two businesses. The first business involved building a boat and creating a membership boating concept. The Awesome Boat Club business was really a journey for me to reconnect with my creativity. My second business the Iam Awesome Movement is for others and has a much bigger potential to impact and inspire kids around the world to believe in who they see in the mirror.

I have learnt to TRUST the process, believing in my ability to figure it out – the answers always lie within.

And if I have one piece of advice for anyone who is seeking out their true inner purpose & on a best life journey of their own is to NEVER GIVE UP.

Damon McDonald

The space and tools to find what I needed

I attended Your Best Life when the universe aligned and I knew I had to do it to further my journey in knowing who I am, what I want and what is important in life.

I now know I am already doing my best which is actually already good enough, that it’s okay to ‘fail’ because it’s not failure, it’s only feedback. I learned that I am at heart a wildwoman, a goddess, a rockstar and that bringing this to those in my life and extend it out further to help others is my passion. Nathan helped me to see I am OK as I am and how to make that something special for myself.

Thank you for giving me the space and tools to find what I needed with like minded people – while being myself.

Julie N

The models ‘ESIP’, ‘Values Pendulum’ & ‘PEP Strategy’ have all given my business a solid structure to follow for training which I have found to be very helpful, as every business needs to be able to follow a structure. Overall, each session I have had with Michele, has made my goals clearer and my path to achieving them even more so.

Duane Aitken
Extremis - Perth, Western Australia

Hi Michele, I have been meaning to text you and thank you again. Feeling amazing actually (no surprise), definitely moving in the right direction with it. Having that awareness gave me a lot more confidence and I understand I’m capable of everything. So am really looking forward to next time and going on with some more. I’m open to every idea now. You’re a legend.

Aiden Pratt
Markey Group International, Perth, Western Australia

Completely exceeded all expectations

The timing was perfect, I wanted to step up in my life and reconnect with those who fan my flames. Through being there I gained clarity, enthusiasm, passion… I feel lighter, and am now in action mode. Massive Action Mode.

I could taste the love in the amazing food, was totally blown away by LYBL’s generosity and thought the learnings and support I received were outstanding. Thank you for the very special memory of campfire night. This weekend completely exceeded all expectations.

Tegan R

Alice testimonial

Alice Haemmerle
Alice Haemmerle

Before working with Michele, I had always wondered why successful people in business would have a business coach. Since working with Michele I now understand why.

Michele’s coaching has had a positive effect on every person in my company she has worked with and everyone is always blown away by her enthusiasm and knowledge base. Because of Michele’s vast experience she is able to assist with every aspect of our business from the initial recruitment process, right through to effectively developing a team of leaders and a network of business owners.

Outside of practical skills, Michele can coach you on one of her most powerful coaching techniques of connecting, reconnecting people to their ultimate vision & purpose which I believe is the key to understanding why I do what I do every day. By elevating everything I do to a vision & purpose I have been able to achieve more of my desired outcomes and therefore my company overall has improved as a result.

Tony Van Eyk
Van Eyk Marketing - Sydney, New South Wales

Harpreet Kharbarh LYBL Spotlight

Hi LYBL, Thankyou so much!

I have learnt so much! The importance of striving towards living your best life and all the actions you can take towards getting there. There’s more than one way to reach your potential.

Being the most authentic version of yourself…

I’ve been noticing more of my limiting behaviours and beliefs that hold me back daily and raising the awareness needed to tackle them so much so that I’ve been able to pass on so much of what I’ve learnt here to others. It has been a great privilege to be able to get support from Tegan and listen to Michele speak over the years!

You deserve to live your best life, we all do! And LYBL is the perfect place to begin that journey, you will get support from some of the warmest and kindest people that have pure intentions for you. Do not hesitate to reach out!

Thank you ??

Harpreet Kharbarh

Since spending time with Michele, I have attached more purpose to my daily tasks, so that every task now has a purpose related to my goals, visions and values. My business and personal life are better than ever before.

Ultan Burns
Catalyst Marketing - Perth, Western Australia

The last 2 months for me has been very progressive, ticking off my action points from the last session has made a big difference to my business. In particular, the ‘PEP Strategy’, ‘ESIP’ and ‘Values Pendulum’ on their own have made an impact on my entire team thus improving the quality of people on the team and the results we are achieving. Thanks Michele, you rock!

Yemmy Olaosebikam
H&S Group - Perth, Western Australia

FB love testimonial

FB Love
FB Love

Thank you for being a great coach and mentor. Your book really made sense to my life right now wherein I’m experiencing my own Awakening through my Actions and Being. Looking forward to great journey ahead! 

🙏#liveyourbestlife #purposedrivenlife #wisdom

Michael Uy

Hope and confidence to move forward

To be honest I was talked into attending Your Best Life, and I’m so glad I did. It gave me the hope and confidence that I can move forward. The content was informative and fun, the food was fantastic, and the level of support I received was even better than the food! Even with the diverse group of people and issues of everyone attending, we all got help. I found the weekend freeing, and thought it was fantastic.

Gavin H

After first working with Michele for only a few hours I felt a change in the way I ran my business. She guides me in such a way I didn’t even notice it happen to begin with. Michele leads me to answer my own questions and taught me that the answers are already in my head; she just unlocks them, or rather allows you to unlock them yourself!

Michele’s mission and genuine care for everybody she works with has inspired me through both my worst and best moments of my business. If I can learn even a small portion of everything she has to offer, I’m sure my business will thrive for years to come. Thanks Michele for everything you have already done and everything you will continue to do in the future. We’re better because of you.

Laura Ryan
Cicero - Sydney, New South Wales

Sheree Burman

Living my best life means seeking adventures. Our lives are created by a series of adventures. So to live my best life, I am always searching for ways to experience something new. Experience something again which I LOVED, spend time with amazing people, learn from inspiring people and sometimes, just sometimes, embrace the crazy things that make your heart race!

From the day I met Michele, I knew that I wanted to be in her world. I changed roles in the company to be mentored by her and I have been blessed to be there when the LYBL journey began. I have learnt from the LYBL programs that everyone is doing the best they can, with the resources they have. Everyone has strategies, and stories and values and beliefs. Some are resourceful and are rocking their worlds. Some however can be unresourceful, and the support they can receive from the LYBL ambassadors and programs can be life changing.

I have clearly written out My Ideal Average Day. I also believe that what you focus on, you receive. Combining those 2 learnings has given me the confidence to leave the job I had for almost 10 years, to start building the lifestyle I have in my ideal average day. I learnt to get really clear on my values, and get really good at making them a focus to find the vehicle to bring me to the picture I had created in my mind of the life I wanted. I no longer focussed on what I needed to do, to get it. It was the how. How was my life going to look each day, and I am now doing things that I never thought I would be doing 12 months ago. But it is giving me the lifestyle I want. Working for myself now I have the opportunity to focus on my health, my friends, my family, my adventures. My boss is amazing!! & lets me go on holiday’s whenever I want!!

I am a very visual person. I was told that you should have something visually pleasing to look at when you first wake up. Could be your vision board, a picture that motivates you, your partner or pet! I surround myself with aspirational plans and pictures. And there is nothing I love more than ticking things off when they are achieved and give myself that huge congratulations (& a pampering facial. Nothing better than a facial right?!) My goal is to do 1 thing, everyday, that is leading me closer to the goals I have set myself. 2 is great, 3 is better, but as long as it is 1 thing!

Sheree Burman

Ever since I’ve been working with Michele, not only has my business grown in statistics, quality & depth – my own personal development has been absolutely priceless. She truly untags the best potential you have to offer that is often locked and unexplored. Her productivity exercises, for e.g.: Brain Dumping, has increased my daily productivity, energy levels and self fulfilment. She possesses an aura of warmth, exudes so much positivity and passion for her work and life – that alone is contagious and makes me want to become a better person. She truly inspires me to live my best life.

Jenny Lam
Director: Generation Marketing Group, Perth Western Australia

Flo Lagarde testimonials

FLO Lagarde
Flo Lagarde

Prior to attending this event, I was in a difficult time. I was split between business and personal life. Just didn’t enjoy it anymore, but the LYBL retreat just opened my eyes again made me think I need to make changes and need to make them now! A lot of weight was lifted off my shoulders things were voiced and I just got back into the game with a positive and stronger mentality.

Thank You Michele for all the knowledge that you have and the energy you create around you! It’s amazing!

Lauren Orrett
Independent Sales Contractor, Age 20, Perth

Hello LYBL community, I’m Jenny Lam and I’m an entrepreneur, award winning cookbook author, MasterChef Australia contestant, restauranteur, life go getter, risk taker and all round happy soul.

There were times in my life where I definitely couldn’t exclaim some of the statements above though. My upbringing though filled with lots of great fond childhood memories, it was simultaneously filled with crucibles that carved out the insecure, resilient and hard-working woman that I turned out to be.

I began my journey working with Michele in 2012, I remember despite running a very successful sales & marketing company I felt unsatisfied, limited and unhappy about both my business and personal life.

After a good cry session with Michele at a cafe, we began on our work together to achieve my desired outcomes of Living my best life and leading my best business. Over the next 7 years Michele and LYBL would teach me some extremely valuable lessons, i.e.

1) Busy is not productive, she gave me all the systems & structures needed to prioritise what brought me joy and progression, and delegate the tasks that were unimportant or non-urgent.

2) My body has limits and it needs to be treated with respect. Michele and the amazing LYBL team of coaches & mentors taught me what I put into my body is fuel, so if you put cheap nasty fuel in there and don’t recharge properly, eventually the vehicle breaks down irrespective of motivation & mentality. Through retreats, yoga sessions and diet lifestyle changes, she took my energy levels to its optimum. No longer did I feel lethargic or lackluster, even after working 12 hour days.

3) Rather than focusing on my weaknesses, let’s capitalise on my strengths. We would knuckle down on my strategic plans and get critically aligned. She drilled down until every leaf was no longer left unturned and all organisational goals were backed up with action and accountability. And lucky last that old wounds, trauma doesn’t have to be truth. I am worthy of everything. No one can tell me my self worth other than me. It took a manipulate relationship and a messy divorce to teach me this, but hey an expensive lesson worthwhile. This has been my favourite learning with LYBL and Michele. Let your wounds teach you, inspire you, not traumatise or cripple me.

Her strength, her belief in me, her deep eternally positive soul has always been and will be infectious and no matter the distance between us. Fast forward 2021 although we don’t speak on the daily basis, LYBL and Michele’s coaching have been instrumental to my growth.

I am a truly happy human and my life and empire continue to flourish daily. Living my best life is about being true to me; using my happiness as a compass everyday no matter where it leads me, and she did that.

Jenny Lam

Ben Willis

Ben Willis
Illusive Cube, South Australia


My name is Sharissa Evans, I grew up in Rockhampton, Central Queensland, surrounded by a massive family filled with parents, grandparents, a sister, aunties, uncles, cousins, second cousins and many more. In 2019 I decided to chase my next challenge on the journey of life and moved to the big city of Melbourne for more opportunity in my business career as an Organisational Executive Assistant for a rapidly growing Sales and Marketing Company.

This move was a shock to my system as growing up in a small town I was a creature of comfort who struggled to adapt to change and handle challenges in life and business in a calm and peaceful manner. The first time I met Michele Jones was when I had the privilege to watch her on stage at a business conference in Lorne, Victoria in 2019, never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that I would be blessed to have crossed paths with her again and be given the opportunity to work so closely with her. Over a year later in August 2020 in Charlestown, Newcastle we were placed in each others lives again, I instantly knew in my heart that starting LYBL programs was what I needed to do to be able to grow and evolve on my journey through life.

I started my journey with Michele in August 2020 and have had the honour to be a part of some amazing programs such as:

· 12 week Yoga Course· 11 week Mediation Course· 1 on 1 Life Coaching Sessions· 1 on 1 Business Coaching sessions· 12 Month Business scaling program· My next course has already begun it’s a 12 week up leveling of my EQ

All 5 programs have had an amazing intertwining effect in helping me start to live my best life.

Yoga – gave me an unconscious feeling of stability within my whole mind. Michele taught me throughout my yogic experience that my body was my strong foundation which can always be made centred and realigned throughout whatever circumstance life throws your way.

Meditation – has provided me with peace and calmness by learning off Michele how to control and embrace the most powerful aspect of living which is the breath.

Life Coaching Sessions – have heightened myself awareness which has had a phenomenal placebo effect in my life, giving me the ability to manage my emotions to have more control over how my life is being lived.

The most exciting part of my journey with Michele so far is the implementation of the tools I have been given. I have been helped with creating easy systems to add into my day so during all of the chaos and commotion going on around me I am able to find peace by grounding myself quickly and effectively. Whether it be by doing a self regulation exercise when I am feeling frustrated and all over the place with all my emotions running or doing breathing exercises when I feel stressed or when I am feeling tense in my body to do a yoga pose which releases my tension.

Michele has opened my eyes and heart to embrace my challenges as learning opportunities about myself and to accept me for me because that is the best part. And that’s what living your best life means to me – there is not one person in the world who is made the same, no one is perfect and that every single being is put on this beautiful earth for a once in a lifetime opportunity – being themselves.

So accept the journey of wanting to live your best life, don’t fight it because it is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life.

Sharissa Evans

Being a part of the 3 day Live Your Best Life program has been an incredible experience. The most life changing experience was to discover limiting beliefs that were holding me back without me even knowing. I now have the ability to recognise them quickly, adjusting and reframing my language and being aware of my purpose has been a big focus for me since being a part of the program. Thank you for all the team and the LYBL team for making it an unforgettable experience.

Ksenia Demidova
Business Owner, Vivid Advertising Solutions, Age 28, Gold Coast

I’m ready to step up! At Your Best Life I faced the image of myself that has been holding me back, and realised that she was already ready and capable. I am now ready to step up! I feel privileged and grateful to Michele and the team – you all rock and are so much needed.

Jasmin P

Engaged, growing, and excited all weekend

I felt compelled to attend Your Best Life because I wanted to transform myself and my life to reflect back to me my heart’s true desires. As a result of attending I gained clarity, community, trust, a feeling of safety, confidence in myself and a love and acceptance of myself like never before. I will be moving towards my goals in business and finances in a more action-based way, with clarity and confidence in myself.

I am amazed at the generosity of LYBL and the diversity of learning that kept me engaged, growing and excited all weekend. Thank you for this incredible experience, full of love, connection, opening and growth.

Jade W

David Howie Testimonial

David Howie

I am always surprised by how much Michele is able to get out of me in her coaching sessions, because she is not just scratching the surface, she keeps digging deeper and deeper and makes you really think. Her ‘PEP Strategy’ has made a massive impact on my team’s retention and growth! She is an amazing coach and leader – she just seems to know where your triggers are inside of you and how to trigger them in order to get you to take action. Thank you Michele for your time and effort so far, I really value my upcoming sessions with you!

Jan Weiss
Smart Marketing - Perth, Western Australia

After a few brief sessions with Michele I have realised that my personal and business mentality have grown for the better. I actually have a purpose for everything I do and life has improved for the better.

Josh Mills
Mills Marketing - Perth, Western Australia

Tegan Rein LYBL Spotlight


I am soul sister who is full of energy and has a big smile that is infectious. I am also known as being grounded and thoughtful. I follow my intuition and act on it to achieve personal success.

I am a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Author, Life Coach, Event Facilitator, Art Teacher, Reiki Level 3 and more. Living my best life to me means living a full life in line with integrity to myself, and my core values of creativity, health, courage, adventure, personal development & wealth.

I’ve learnt thousands of insights from Michele over the past 18 years and I am a sponge to all her teachings & writings. I live in alignment with her values and her mission which connects us deeply as soul family. I first met Michele as a Sales Consultant at the young age of 23. When I progressed to opening my own Sales Company a few years later, she helped train my administrator and I often learnt from her in seminars or through her public speaking as well. We became close friends and flat mates ten years later when I moved to the same city as her. Her ability to grow in life as a person and overcome using her positive belief systems is inspiring to me, she shares authentic stories from her life and her vulnerability creates trust. She is a great friend and person to celebrate life with. I have more recently attended LYBL retreats as a participant first and then helped facilitate as a founding ambassador second.

Her teachings have contributed to transform my health, financials, relationships, spirit & soul, physical environment, business & more from a 5/10 to 10/10 across my life and that’s been sustained for over 10 years now.

My biggest belief I claimed from her learnings is “I already have everything I need inside of myself to overcome any situation, I already have the answers, if only I make the time to listen”. My life mantra came from her belief and it is, ‘What is my soul saying’, I am now my own best friend, I nourish my soul everyday with grounding rituals, healthy habits, awareness of my actions, accountability for my mistakes. I take the time to sit in silence and listen everyday from a place of strength no matter what life storm I am navigating. I show up for myself, I speak up for myself and I am seen, heard and felt by my tribe which is a soul fulfilling quest for us all in this lifetime.

I love supporting Michele with anything she needs from events to coaching and more in the future. Being around her and her teachings is life changing. The people she attracts (you reading this) are genuinely great people with their own wisdom to share, who just need a little love and the warmth of the LYBL metaphorical campfire to encourage you to take control of your life for you.

Michele is a very high achiever, she walks her talk, her heart is bigger than imaginable, and her kindness and generosity are unmatched. I trust her completely to help you. I’m forever grateful for our connection and the contribution she has made to my life and in turn all those who benefit as a ripple effect going forward. If you can not make a decision to do this for yourself then do it for the people in your life that love you and will benefit from you being the best version of yourself in the future, because when your loved ones see you happy and living your best life it is the greatest feeling in the world for you both.

It can not go without mention that the group of people that contribute to the LYBL movement behind the scenes and in person are of the most special quality. The coaches I have had the opportunity to share with, the participants transforming before our eyes, the empathy and compassion of Michele’s team are excellent. The attention to detail and way they deliver creates a safe space for us to do the work we need in a fun and easy way. The LYBL community has a family feel and like any great family there is a lot of love and encouragement that keeps us coming back for more.

Tegan Rein

Michele has changed my world! Her commitment and dedication is unquestionable. Since working with her I’ve seen my business grown in leaps & bounds. Using the systems she has shared with me such as ‘ESIP’ & ‘PEP Strategy’ has increased my retention and quality of people on my team and has helped to build a more sustainable culture in my business.

Yen Nguyen
Summit Marketing Group - Perth, Western Australia

Everything I wanted and more

I attended Your Best Life because I knew that it’s me that can heal me… if I don’t take steps for me, who else would? I gained everything I wanted and more… clarity, truth, acceptance, love. I now know the real truth and won’t be believing the bullshit anymore! All of the ambassadors get a 12 out of 10 for the level of care and support they gave me – couldn’t be better! And the food was amazing. Can’t wait to do another event with LYBL!

Katie F

Hey Michele I wanted to thank you once again for the other day, u r a true inspiration. We had a Pb week this week, the environment with the team is amazing… I am excited for what the Markey group will achieve… Thank you for showing me the path I had deferred from. Can’t wait to do some planning with you soon .. Well done to on your detox you are doing incredible, u have inspired me to join the gym again and eat better. Thank you Michele 🙂 xx

Tracey Markey
Markey Group International, Perth, Western Australia

Alison Exton

Michele’s coaching sessions are amazing. She has been able to get into my head to help me unlock and understand the ‘Why’ behind all that I do. Her ‘PEP Strategy’ has elevated my business to a new level of professionalism and makes the learning and teaching easier and more consistent across the board for all my team members.

Oron Star
Star Marketing, Perth Western Australia

I love me again

Before attending Your Best Life, I was unsure how I wanted my life to go, and wanted to try something new. The whole experience was interesting and enjoyable, I loved the delicious food and activities, and how everyone cared for each other. As a result of going, I love me again.

Mackensie E

Amber Lear LYBL Spotlight


I’m Amber, the Media and Project Manager here at LYBL.

I have always considered myself as highly intuitive, and a bit of a spiritual junkie – however there have definitely been times where I haven’t felt my best self & have let negative emotions overcome what I know I’m capable of – and one of those moments was just before I started working alongside Michele and the LYBL family.

And oh how much my life has changed, improved and how empowered and uplifted I feel after working alongside some pretty amazing people.

And I truly believe there is always something new to learn from others… I think Michele has been my best teacher to date.

I am sooo lucky & blessed to have met this incredible woman and have the opportunity to work alongside her, learn from her, be coached be her and have a life changing awakening experience through her guidance.

I have learnt so much from Micheles messages of living your best life – all of her content and programs, all of her lessons and teachings have made such a big impact on how I view situations, and how I view the world.

I have had a pretty rough year with a whole lot of loss and heartbreak – if I hadn’t have had the wonderful LYBL family supporting me and guiding me I feel I may have let myself fall into a deep dark hole – I am now able to look at the bad things in life as lessons and learnings from the universe, and I am 100% certain now that everything that hasn’t gone in my favour really has been a blessing in disguise.

There has been so much good come from the losses or heartbreak.

Knowing what I know now – I am now able to live a life that I truly love and embrace. I don’t get so caught up on the little nuisances – instead I can now control my reaction & turn a negative into a positive.

Kind of like the glass half full concept.

And I’m pretty certain that this is where our power lies.

We become pretty powerful beings when we don’t let the negatives spiral and take control.

It’s amazing how much your life can transform and how you notice what you are capable of when you are able to change your mindset.

Michele has taken me from awakening to myself and who I am – through the lessons and learnings and the action taking to now just being.

I can simply just flow through each and everyday in a state of peace and calmness living in the moment of every moment.

I know when I need to surrender and am able to let go of outcomes with ease.

My happiness is real and genuine – and I notice it within my family too.

Living my best life is when I am steering the drivers wheel in the direction of where I want to go. It’s being kind to others and most importantly to myself. It’s being there for my kids, my family, my friends. It’s through my work and doing what I love. Living my best life is living in harmony with my soul.

If you’ve been watching LYBL and have been considering joining the membership – or if this is speaking to you in anyway then take this as your sign.

You won’t regret investing in yourself and surrounding yourself with others on the same path.

This could be the very first step you take for taking back your power, changing your life, empowering yourself to take a leap of faith. Your very best life could be right around the corner.

Every single person needs to hear Michele’s message of live your best life – and with a bunch of others in the group supporting one another you will feel supported on your journey not only by Michele, but by the team and by the other members. We are all in this together.

Amber Lear

I attended the ‘Live Your Best Live 3 Day Empowerment Event’ in August, 2015 & have been working with Michele and her team ever since…I feel that this experience has helped me become a more effective communicator with my team and also to myself.For people that have blocks in their life and beliefs that are not helping them move forward this is a well worthwhile event. I enjoyed every minute of this event, a huge thanks to the ‘Live Your Best Life’ team keep up the awesome work!!

Darren Wright
Director, Unite Marketing, Age 38, Adelaide

Michele Jones is one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met in my life. I met her in March 2013, she has been coaching me ever since. I’m writing this because Michele has given me a new perspective on life, helped my business grow over 400% within 7 months and made my quality of life better. If anyone has the opportunity to work with Michele, it’s a lifetime investment worth making!

There are a few aspects Michele has had a big influence on. More than anything Michele has just been an incredible role model in her successful businesses her way of living her own life. Her personal challenges with beating cancer and her past experiences, she has this amazing outlook towards life and love. I feel so privileged to have met her.

Amara-Joy Leier
Akada Marketing - Sydney, New South Wales

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