Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re feeling scared, nervous, or sceptical – that’s totally okay and totally normal. It’s totally right for you to want all of the information before committing and I’m happy to answer your questions.

If you feel called to do this work and want our support to live your best life, we know we can help.

This is YOUR YEAR to release your life blocks, live your best life with ease and grace, and surround yourself with amazing people..

Is the LYBL Blueprint the best personal mastery course for me?

Saying ‘yes’ to you can be one of the most empowering things you can ever do, but it can also be hard for some people to invest in themselves. Often people join our program from a dis-empowered mindset and when we are in this place it is hard to have faith and trust in ourselves. We have an easy to use and tried and tested system and support team to help you connect to a safe place that will bring you into empowerment.

If you are unsure if Michele Jones is the right coach for you then I would reassure you that she is the most generous and kindhearted soul. She has dedicated her life to the Personal Development Industry and she has over 40,000 hours of experience helping people to live their best lives.

Michele is intelligent, well studied, well experienced and her reputation precedes her. She is of noble character and has hundreds of testimonials from all walks of life, business, and executive empowerment coaching. She has built a wonderful life for her, her husband and 2 dogs and operates globally from their million-dollar retreat centre location in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. 

Here’s what to look for in a Personal Development Course like this one:

A mentor you can model who has an excellence mindset and impeccable human behaviour. A mentor that walks the talk and a supportive community to also walk alongside you in your journey. Our best place to join our community is through the ‘LYBL Campfire’ Facebook Group.

What makes this course different to others?

LYBL – Live Your Best Life has been running for over 9 years now and Michele has been in the Personal Development Industry for over 30 years. There are not many mentors and programs around that have the level of experience that LYBL has and who continue to deliver and provide year in and year out. By joining the program, you can feel certain of the fact that the business you are purchasing from has a long history and be comforted by its intentions for a bright future for many years to come. 

This program is delivered in easy to consume bite sized videos, there are exercises to go with some of the Blueprints too. The videos are of great quality and the program is delivered on an easy to use platform, even for the not so tech friendly users.

You do this course at your own pace, it is delivered as a Blueprint per week over 10 weeks, though you have access to the portal for the life of the program.

You go at your own pace, we do suggest though that you log in and do videos regularly and allow time for yourself weekly to at least watch a couple of videos. It’s amazing how many times a client has told us the right video seems to come in at just the right time for what they are navigating in their lives.

I don’t really have the budget right now, is it worth the investment?

How often do we buy something for someone else and spend the money so easily but when it comes to us, we put the decision off or justify and convince ourselves it is too generous. Michele Jones has now released this program at its most affordable price yet. There are options to buy with credit and Afterpay as well so you can make it a manageable payment plan for you. You are worth investing in yourself. For the cost of the program, you will have access to all 10 Blueprints comprising of 139 videos. The videos go from 5-20 minutes each and will take you on a journey to really come to a place of loving yourself again. Every member who has graduated from the program, has given us a testimonial, please go to our Program page to read through these for yourself. For those that log in and do the program regularly we can absolutely say the investment has a great return and not just for you, but also for the people you have around you who get the best version of you too. Even if you find it hard to do it for you, do it for them.

Will the LYBL Best Life Blueprint program work for me in the role I work?

The LYBL Best Life Blueprint program is not industry specific, it is excellent to compliment your Professional Development journey. As Michele often says, “What runs in the person, runs in the business” and vice versa, how you do one thing is how you do everything. Whether you are a Parent, a Leader in your work, a Business Owner or you have another valuable role to play in your life, the truth still remains that how you are affects the people around you and therefore this program would suit many different industries. Some of the industries we have helped to date include:

Business Owners, Executive Leaders, Business Development Managers, Healers, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Admin and Business Support staff, Carers, Retirees, Human Resources, Salespersons, Online Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Health Industry workers, Mums, Dads, Corporate Employees, IT workers and Creatives, to name a few. 

Quite simply, this course works. Follow the system and upgrade your mindset and human behaviour as you go on a journey of self-awareness and become the best version of you. 

If you want to learn practical strategies to upgrade your thinking, become more aware and transform, then this course is for you.

I don’t have enough time, will it take a long time to complete?

As with most things, what you put in is what you will get out of it. For some of our members, dedicating a few hours once a week works well. You might watch 30 minutes a day or you might put aside some time on the weekend just for you and to dedicate to your personal development. A five minute video might offer you a big enough insight that you need time to process and implement, other times you might get hooked and not want to stop binging on the content. The library is also there as a resource tool. If you are having a challenge, jumping in and watching a video that has a title that helps can also be of great benefit.  It’s all very flexible and up to you how you want to navigate your study timetable. Being an online program, you can log in from anywhere on your device and it is available 24/7.

I am only new to Personal Development, is this too advanced for me?

Some of our most experienced Personal Development junkies in our program still feel like they are only new to the world of PD. The truth is the more we learn the more we realise there is so much we still don’t know. As human beings we are lifelong learners. “If we are not growing, we are going…” or as Michele says, “if we’re not evolving, we’re devolving”, meaning that it’s in our learning new things and challenging ourselves that we really evolve and stay engaged with life. No, this course will not be too advanced for the newest to the Personal Development arena and that’s because from the moment you opened your eyes for the first time you have been a lifelong learner and it’s our natural state of being.

Will this course help me with my relationship and money issues?

95% of transformation is awareness and in taking the time to work on yourselves. We slowly move from a pain and survival mindset into connection. The connection with LYBL’s system will help you take responsibility for your mindset and your actions because you decide that is what you want. When we operate at cause, we learn to trust ourselves again, we make promises to ourselves that we keep, and as we move through this course, we learn to love ourselves again. We can only love others from the level that we love ourselves, and so often our self esteem is also tied into our relationship with money. We can’t promise this will fix your current issues, but we can assure you that the 10 Blueprints are designed to remind you of your own worth and so by default other areas in our lives begin to improve.

Is this only for people who are in business or in a leadership position?

We have found that Michele Jones attracts a following who are already in Business or Leadership positions due to her VIP Executive Coaching role that she also has within the company. In saying this though this course is general in nature and it is worthwhile for all genders, and walks of life. We have had members who are high level sales executives right through to retired grandparents, we don’t discriminate. If you have a heart then you are in the right place and you are deserving of living your best life.

How do live calls work?

Every month we offer a LIVE member’s monthly catch-up Zoom call with either Michele Jones or one of our Teams Facilitators. These are offered at 10:30am AEST on the 2nd Tuesday of every month via Zoom. We’ve had 8 people on a call or up to 100 people, it really depends on the member’s availability and time of year.

How do live calls work?

There is built in accountability with monthly coaching calls, community mentors to support you.

There are regular emails and accountability posts in the Facebook group.

Will this course address my specific challenges?

Yes! We have 10 Blueprints and 139 videos that include case studies and exercises tailored to unearthing our deepest fears and to help us recognise our limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns.

If you have the dream to change your current circumstances, then this is the pathway for you to do exactly that. This course was designed with that intent in mind and our numerous testimonials account for the same, this program works. This is the course for you!

I have been studying Personal Development for years, will I learn anything new from this course?

ABSOLUTELY! We have graduates who have completed the course numerous times and at every new level there is a deeper truth to uncover. The insights in this program are like no other, it is completely unique and written from Michele Jones’s collective experience of 30+ years as a student to life and her many accreditations and learnings.

The Blueprints will transform your perspective and unveil to you what it is time for you to see right now, like an archaeological dig, you will discover what you need to know in real time and you will be able to apply it immediately.


The program moves through 3 distinct stages: Your AWAKENING | Your ACTIONS | Your BEING. 

We’ve had graduates transform all areas of their lives including their relationships, financial status, physical environments, they now take time to honour what their souls wants regularly, their health has improved, they have gone on to have incredible success in their careers and businesses, they say they have more fun and some go as far as to say they have learnt to love themselves again. Some have discovered their life’s purpose. This is all possible for you too on this program.

How do I know if it’s the right time to join the Blueprint program?

There is a reason you are here and this has spoken to you. Trust this. 

Some people think they need to have it all together or quite the opposite like they need to be falling apart before they join the program, but wherever you are at, you are in the right place at the right time.

Like you need to create the time first, or save a little more money first but time and time again we see that as soon as you make the decision, the universe conspires in your favour to deliver just what you need right then and there. Be bold and invest in you today, for tomorrow is never promised and the only time you really have in NOW.

Perfectionism and procrastination are life blocks you will smash through in this program, the only way out of playing this strategy is to take action. This is a muscle you need to start using. The more you use it, the more you will develop self-trust and that breeds confidence and empowerment. Just watch our testimonials to hear the many stories of this happening over and over in our community.

Bring your life blocks to the community and we will work on them together. Some people think the solution is to read or book or to do a course alone but we know here that joining us by the LYBL Campfire is more warm and connected, it is more genuine with a like minded tribe and it is more fun.

So if you are feeling stuck, lost, disconnected then your time is now, it is time to cross the threshold, to leave your ordinary world and discover a new world where your possibilities for happiness are endless and you’re strong and resilient to whatever challenges come your way.

There is no point putting this off, because as soon as you start you will notice the shifts and changes for the better and you will wonder why you hadn’t dived in sooner.

What would the cost be of staying in the same situation for another year?

Whether you are just surviving or you are sick of just being ‘good’ all the time, then this is your time to thrive. This is your year to make the decision to embark on your journey to Live Your Best Life.

Move from good…to great. 

Doing this work IS worth it. You are worthy. You belong with us, and you will learn how to fall in love with the best version of yourself again.

If you need to, go ahead and choose a payment option plan.

Spread the cost and make it work for you on your terms.

But don’t hold off on saying yes to you any longer.

What if I sign up and realise this program isn’t for me or I don’t see results?

We offer a 14 day money back guarantee

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