Ceremonial Cacao

In partnership with the incredible team at Invictus Health Hub, with founders and creators, husband and wife team – Benjamin & Jodie Kowal – we introduce to you our new LYBL product offering, medicinal Ceremonial Cacao aka as the Chocolate Elixir. 

With our focus this month on Health & Well-Being here at LYBL, we are offering this amazing 100% Raw Ceremonial Grade Criollo Cacao, shipped directly to you. 

Pure, organic, unrefined and quality controlled, this sustainably sourced heirloom variety Cacao exceeds the highest standards.

Grown in the rich soils of Taraporto, Northern Peru, this heart opening medicinal Amazonian chocolate boasts extraordinary health benefits.

Wonderfully indulgent, Cacao provides a beautiful inclusion to anyone’s daily routine.

The health benefits from consumption are next level…

Here is what you can expect by adding this to your diet:

Cacao contains Theobromine; think ‘Caffeine, without the crash’. Theobromine acts on smooth muscle tissue, promoting relaxation, vasodilation and a higher response rate as opposed to caffeine, which stimulates from the CNS and, with repetitive use, binds to adenosine receptors in the brain affecting sleep.

Cacao is naturally rich in the major tissue salts and minerals used in the structure and proper function of our tissues

Cacao has the highest magnesium content of any whole food, is loaded with major & trace minerals, as well as essential amino acids, supporting hard working muscles and reducing stress

This Cacao has not been roasted which results in a product that is significantly higher in nutrition

Being un-roasted, our Cacao contains nootropics and neurotransmitters such as anandamide (Bliss), serotonin (stress defence), dopamine (Kidney Jing and motivation) and phenylethylamine (focus)

Cacao is also high in fibre. So along with its EAA’s, nootropics & neurotransmitters it works to improve cellular responses and provide an overall better ‘efficiency’ throughout the digestive process, particularly when coupled with a regenerative diet [see invictusclinics.com.au for detail]

Raw Cacao, gram for gram, contains 40x the antioxidants of that found in blueberries. Antioxidants trap free radicals (corrupt oxidised cells) & reduce the risk of cells in the body undergoing oxidation

The compounds in Cacao reduce blood pressure and clear blood vessel walls of fatty deposits (plaques). This reduces the load on the heart muscle and assists in whole body oxygenation

Cacao promotes thermogenesis, a process which encourages the body to burn fats rather than store them

Containing the terpene Ocimene, Cacao is also used as a mild decongestant and expectorant  

Cacao holds a high standard in the field of anxiety management due to its potent levels of Myrcene, L-Theanine, Linalool, Phenylethylamine & Anandamide

Cacao is revered for the heart opening feminine medicine that she is, and with the above attributes, it is easy to see why.

Linked closely to my own healing & regeneration on my own health journey I am super excited to be partnered in this offering out to the world so you too can experience the benefits directly. 

Get yours here & start or continue your health journey towards your own best life.

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