Hey, I’m so happy that you’re joining us for our LYBL Deep Dive, ‘Unleashing Your Magnetic Super Powers’ it’s going to be epic! Here’s a little of what you can expect at the event. First up, know that this is one of our main client training events for the year. It’s not a sales thing, there won’t be any pitches. We’ll treat you just like everyone else and that means we’ll expect you to play full out just like a client: Participate in all the activities, get actively involved, and contribute, okay? This event is for people whom are wanting to take a deep dive into their best lives, develop those deeper connections, living a life of truth and empowerment and finally getting what it is you truly desire in your life.

It is the doorway to your awakening. Your actions. And your being.

You really do get to choose when you know it’s time. If you grab a guest seat to this one, we will be teaching some of our most profound lessons and guidance where we will quite literally unleash your magnetic super powers so that you can end the year calling in and attracting your desires at a much faster pace, taking these life altering lessons with you well into 2023 and beyond. It’s time you become a magnet for your best life. Uncover what it is your doing that is current attracting things to your life, or what you might be doing that’s actually repelling your dreams & wishes. This event might very well be the most valuable personal mastery event we hold this year, and we want to invite you to come along as a guest to see us live in action on how we coach our current blueprint members towards their best lives. Let’s awaken your potential, take action towards your best life vision, and be the person you know to be true.

As one of our invited Guests… you’ll get a first hand look into how we teach and work with our our clients to:

Awaken Your Soul. Begin by tapping into who you truly are, as you embark on removing any blocks & limiting beliefs you might have holding you back and truly setting the trajectory towards your best life journey. This is your personal invitation to truly start knocking at the door of your own heart.

Step back into control of your life. Through the ‘Your Actions’ segment we will begin to observe & connect deeply to your innate wisdom for the relevant actions that will truly make a difference in finding what you want. This part of the training will take you through the steps towards empowering you to start taking the right actions towards living your best life.

Begin to trust yourself more. In this stage of the training ‘Your Being’ you’ll be able to take action based solely on what you feel is right and know at your core to be true. You’ll have stopped relying on ‘doing’ as the only confirmation of your worth and existence, so you’ll be free to move through life with more ease, being more comfortable with who you are. You will become free to let go and claim the life you know you were meant to live, and in the process you will realise that all you ‘do’ is meant to ‘be’.

Michele Jones’s message of ‘LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE’ is one that we invite you to hear and connect with.

Because, let’s face it, how many of us feel like we are actually doing that?

All of us deserve to, so why not you?

Allow Michele to share with you new insights that bring to life her 10 tried-and-true blueprints across 3 distinct phases that are centred around her ‘DESIGN | CREATE | LIVE Process™️’ that will empower you to create and live the life you know you were born to live.

Access your own inner knowledge and wisdom to achieve what she calls your ‘best life’, your very best life blueprint that is unique to all of us that she also knows is inside each and every one of us simply waiting to be connected with and brought to life.

It’s time to…AWAKEN, ACT & BE.

The count down to our next event ‘Unleashing Your Magnetic Super Powers’ is now on!At the end of the event, we’ll both have a good feel for whether we’re a good fit for each other and if Best Life Blueprint is where you need to be.

If you’d like to learn more about the program, it’s best to schedule a call with Tegan, one of our LYBL Empowerment Coaches right after the event. (Here’s her link to schedule a call.)

Most of all, though, I want you to enjoy the 2 days we’ll have together. Best Life Blueprint is an amazing community of people who are building a life they love and taking their best life journey towards more money, meaning, and freedom in the world and I’d love you to be part of it.

Start/Finish Times

The Australia/New Zealand/North America session kicks off at 11:00am AEST (Sydney) — that’s 4:00pm PST if you’re in the US or 12:00am if your in the UK. You can join us 15 minutes before the scheduled start times for a quick tech check to make sure your camera and microphone are working, and you Zoom software’s all up-to-date. The sessions are half-a-day each day, so you’ve got time to get back to work, or hit the sack, afterwards, depending on where you are in the world.

Register to the Zoom Room Below

Zoom Details:

ZOOM Meeting ID: 812 4620 0206

Passcode: Unleash

What to Bring?

The workbooks and worksheets we’ve provided that we’ll use in the workshop.. Bring your smartphone, and maybe a tablet if you prefer taking your notes that way (we have digital versions of all the materials you can download here.)

What to Wear?

Pants! Seriously, we’ll be working live on camera throughout the event and you’ll need your camera on too so, you know, pants are just a good idea. I’ll be wearing jeans and a t-shirt, probably — you don’t need to get dressed up (but you do need to get dressed!)

Still Got Questions?

No problems! — the LYBL Crew has got your back. Shoot us an email at media@lybl.com.au and we’ll get back to you with answers.

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