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Blueprint 10 – Your Best Life Blueprint Workbook


And.. thats a wrap! Welcome to the last blueprint!

What do you need to know to have the life that you want? Do you need to know how to make a living?

Do you need to know how to be a loving parent?

Do you need to know how to make a million dollars?

What is it that you feel you must know in order to get what you want? Let me answer for you.

You do not need to know anything specifically. You just need to know that you have the inner authority to not let yourself down.

So many people feel they cannot have what they want until they get another degree, become fully accomplished in something, or are absolutely certain of what they want out of their life.

These however, are not prerequisites for success, satisfaction or happiness. In fact, knowledge can be limited – it can hinder possibility.

If you know women only make 0.75 cents to the dollar that men earn on average, then you may find yourself defined and limited by that fact. You may not ask for more, even though you feel you deserve it, or may limit yourself in some other way.

Yes, sometimes ignorance can be bliss.

If I had known that my first book, ‘Bringing Life To Leadership’ was in a book genre that normally is not expected to exceed sales of twenty five thousand copies, I would never have dreamed of selling a million copies.

Not, that I have reached that number – yet – but book sales went way above what was expected, because of my dedication to making the book sell, my social media presence, my heart and soul efforts, and because I did not know any better. Because I didn’t know any better, I did everything I could to make that book sell, and it did.

We grasp our knowledge because we have been trained to believe that knowledge is power and with that power we hope to find security.

This is another major stumbling block to wisdom that wants to come through to guide your life. The greatest security comes in trusting yourself enough to not be phased by the unknown. We will look at that true security in this final section of our work on ‘Your Being’.

Creativity can be described as letting go of certainty. Not knowing gives us the freedom to create.

If I were to guess at the thing that keeps people the most dissatisfied with their lives it would be the loss of their creativity or the feeling they are not making any progress.

Whether it’s their marriage, their relationship, their job, their health or life in general, when things become mundane – when we have fallen into a routine and are merely doing what we know – we lose that spark that gives our lives wings.

 My very first coach said to me, “’I don’t know, is a great opportunity for creativity.”

One of my mentors, Sharon Pearson has always told me that the person with the most behavioral flexibility will always win; I have always related this to embracing moments of uncertainty.

So finding the wisdom in uncertainty gives us the experience of ourselves that we long for. We are creative beings. When we experience the power of creating something where there was nothing before, we feel a tremendous sense of power.

That power – not the power of the knowledge, but the power of creating our own lives from the fiber of our own being – is our creative life force.

When we cling to the notion that knowledge is the only way we can have that power, we lessen what we are capable of. Knowing or knowledge can also lead to prejudice and snobbery, both of which paralyse parts of us. You may miss out on a fulfilling friendship or experience because you have prejudged the outcome by thinking you know the reputation of the person you’re about to meet or the reputation of the company you might have been thinking of joining.

Thinking you know can make you jaded.

Think of going to see a revival of a famous Broadway play. If it’s a classic you’ve read or seen before, why go? Perhaps you would go to discover nuances you might have missed, to pick up something unexpected, or to be open to a new interpretation by the director or the actors. Not knowing and just going for the ride is a huge part of reaching the satisfaction and fulfillment of your life blueprint.

I’m not advocating that you forget everything you’ve ever learned and become a blank slate. Without my recent years of knowledge, I most probably might not be where I am now.

The knowledge that you’ve gained is an integral part of you and the certain skills you’ve been taught, such as how to cook, are highly desirable things to hold onto.

For the exploration of this section the blueprint you need to excavate isn’t always rooted in what you know, and a lack of knowledge shouldn’t be used as an excuse for not taking action on what you desire.

As you explore the concept of not needing to know, you will realise how much you rely on what you know instead of using who you are to make a difference.

The payoff to relying more on who you are than on what you know includes deeper relationships, more innovative solutions to everyday problems and an increased sense of self.

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