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Blueprint 7 – Your Best Life Blueprint Workbook


According to the dictionary, a magnet is something that attracts.

In this section, we will work on how to magnetise the field you inhabit so that you can attract ‘good’ people, accomplishments, opportunities, and experiences into your life.

In the last section of this course, we began to take the emphasis off what you do and redirect it toward who you are.

We began to look beyond your job or life description on paper to uncover your true lucrative purpose.

As we saw, this purpose involves more than the dollars and cents in your life. It points you towards the most satisfying ways you can contribute to your world, whether in the context of raising your family or building a successful company.

In fact, attracting the work and purpose that leads you to your best life is the first step towards becoming a magnet.

Although we are still talking about the action – that which we have to do to our best life – after this section, we are crossing over into ‘Your Being’ part of the equation.

Here, your action will revolve around what you have to do to be who you need to be.

If you are confused by this, you won’t be for long.

I will walk you through it in this section.

The elements that make up your life – the people, your circumstances, your achievements, your own sense of ‘lucky’ breaks and so on – can be termed the ‘what’ of your life.

Improving the quality of who we are starts to bring into our lives a higher quality of what.

For instance, becoming someone who has more confidence could aid you in finding the perfect job instead of jumping at the first opportunity. You will have to take action to become more confident, but it is this action that will get you results and could become more important than conventional wisdom, which says that positive results can occur only through linear and logical action, and instead takes nonlinear approach. Core, Soul, Being – Intuition.

It asks you to work on yourself from the inside out to bring about the outcomes you want.

Already, by making a personal manifesto and putting the focus of your activities on your lucrative purpose, you have begun this process already.

In this weeks lessons, we will take it even further, excavating your life blueprint even more.

The power of attraction means that you will attract what you want to you, spending less time chasing your desires and success.

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