Once you have learned to identify these subtleties of feeling, you are ready to recognise the not-so-subtle feeling of entering ‘the zone’.

In sports, ‘the zone’ is the place where athletes feel connected to a force that propels them to the perfect game.

They report an ease and a lack of effort, even though they are fully present in the moment. It’s as if time stands still and the hyper-awareness of the moment creates a dreamlike state. In that suspended reality mind, body and spirit come together effortlessly to perform flawlessly.

That is a similar zone with wisdom and when you enter it for the first time, you have a physical feeling that things are right, as if the stars have aligned in your favour.

Your inner compass is pointing to true north.

You will always remember this feeling because it marks a moment when you put yourself on the course to your life blueprint.

You’ve entered the zone.

Wisdom is the zone of decision-making.

The feeling you are looking for is the same ease that the well-trained athlete can achieve. You become the well-trained player when you allow yourself to know how you feel.

When you enter the wisdom-zone, you may feel a lightness, as if all the heaviness of your life were dissipating. You may experience a feeling of expansion: your brain may feel as if it has expanded, your heart and lungs too.

Some of my clients have even described a feeling of having a new brain transplanted into their body, it is that obvious.

These are feelings of tapping into wisdom.

The truth always finds a way, this is Anita’s story…

Anita was a client who worked in a large family business for many years. She liked her work, but felt that her talents were not fully used in this job and worse, her opinions were constantly lost in the family pecking order.

For a long time Anita had wanted to start her own business.

Through our work together, she was able to overcome her fear of upsetting her family by striking out on her own.

Anita endured near being disowned by her family and their harsh criticism.

Still, she felt a certain lightness about her decision that gave her confirmation that she was doing the right thing. It felt surreal, and she was amazed by her level of calm.

If she wanted to, she could conjure up as much turmoil as her family was experiencing, but she knew it wasn’t what she was really feeling. Instead, Anita was in touch with a feeling of expansion and freedom that started in her solar plexus and reverberated through her body.

Anita has been successfully running her own business for more than two years now. She can still measure the feelings to know she is staying on track.

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