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Blueprint 3 – Your Best Life Blueprint Workbook


Having a healthy perspective in any challenge or crisis means seeing the situation clearly, in the proper proportion to everything else going on at the same time.

It can be difficult to gauge the appropriate perspective, but generally this involves realising that the situation confronting you is neither the end of the world nor an insignificant blip in your daily life.

Gaining and developing a healthy perspective will help guide you through personal and professional challenges more efficiently, without losing your cool, and without hurting yourself or others.   

Still, having perspective on your life can be tough, especially when you are highly analytical about your own life. The tendency is probably to be a bit self-centered.

You are working so hard on understanding yourself that you may forget that you exist in a world filled with many other people.

To gain perspective and move on to have deeper wisdom guiding your life, you need to realise that life in general isn’t about you and your immediate world of challenges. You will not arrive at the deeper wisdom that can be yours if you live in the small world of you!

It doesn’t mean that you have to have some lofty mission that will touch the masses, but it does mean that for you to experience your best life, you have to get out of the way.

I call this ‘getting over yourself.

So far, we have done a bit of awakening with our mind to be free of its inefficiencies, and in this next part of this course we will begin to take the focus off our introspective selves.

Now we will begin to leverage what is right about our circumstances, and us and use this awareness to allow our wisdom to come through. With wisdom comes perspective and with perspective comes the freedom to take action that leads to your best life.

When I say, “get over yourself’, I mean it as the nicest slap around the head I hope you ever get. Once you realise that what your parents did or did not give you, or what life has given or kept from you, is not a permanent condition, you can set out to change what you feel is wrong. Talk about perspective. You are who and what you are, and you get to renegotiate that with yourself every day.

So get over it and get on with it!

You can start with the ideas in this section. We will work together to show you how insignificant you are – and that is a good thing. Don’t get me wrong: you are extremely powerful. However, how wisely you use that power will depend greatly on how much self-importance you give yourself.

Getting over yourself is not a matter of assuming a false humility or playing small to not be a threat to those around you. It’s about realising that there is so much more at stake in life than your own personal problems. By comparison to the magnitude of crises going on in the world around you, your obstacles can become tame if you want them to be and only if you want them to be!

Why do you think we love to hear about others people’s problems so much?

Why are most of us fascinated by disaster?

Because by realising the depth of suffering that can and does exist in this world, we gain perspective.

We gain a brutal understanding of just how fragile life is and how much good there is to embrace.

By absorbing how tiny most of our cares are, we gain the freedom to access them. The information that we need to give us direction and solutions to our problems is accessible once we get over our powerful self-absorption.

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