There’s something powerful about momentum…no matter how small. Many times the impossible is simply the untried.

I can remember a time in my life when I was immobilised with fear, consumed with what I was supposed to do.

It seemed so huge a task; I was unable to bring myself to face it. A mentor spoke two words that broke that paralysis in my life.

She said, “Do something!” I’ll never forget that day…taking some small, seemingly insignificant steps.

Momentum began to come into my life.

If you are at a point of paralysis in your life because of what you feel you’re called to do, the words today are, “Do something!”

Don’t worry about the long-term goal right now; just take the steps that take you past the starting point.

Soon you’ll get to a point of no return.

As you climb higher, you’ll be able to see much farther & as you do the things you never knew were there will be there for you to see……right before your very eyes.

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