I am still new to living my best life, and yet I have come such a long way in a very short time. Why? Because the philosophy works, and I have integrated the actions as I became aware that I needed them in my life.

For a long time, I thought that I was looking after my family and myself. I have always been able to make the best of a bad situation, but I felt so disconnected, from everyone around me, and my family and friends. I was tired, mentally, physically and emotionally. I was doing life, like most of us do. I thought I was living my best life… but then life threw me a huge curve ball.

My marriage fell apart and I no longer had work in the family business. I had a wake up call that left me feeling so lost and so confused about who I was and what my life was really all about.

After experiencing the Live Your Best Life philosophies, initially through Tara, and then through Michele, and the other ambassadors, I now can confidently state I know who I am, and what my life is about.

Right now, living my best life means aligning my balanced life between work, family and self-love in resourceful ways that match up with my values.

In my role as Michele’s Personal Assistant and Office Manager, I am involved in a team, who work intelligently, practically, with a high degree of integrity, love, creativity, and uniqueness. By assisting the team, I in turn, assist everyone that they help along in their journey. I have tasks to complete, and it makes me so happy to know that it’s the small things that make all the difference.

Fitness is important to me, and it is part of my self-love. I am a trained to professional level in Classical and Contemporary dance (among other dance techniques; I enjoy running, walking and photography, at the same time; and when I get the chance a horse ride is a special treat. My creative side, loves dancing obviously, but I also enjoy drawing, photography, writing poetry, and creating a collage of pictures on my Facebook feed to inspire and record particular emotions.

You will also find me with my nose stuck in a book learning about the spiritual and philosophical side of life, but also I love investigating the latest scientific breakthroughs that I’ve heard about. I love knowing how things work, and why they work the way they do.

Through my connections with Tara and Michele, nutrition is an area I am learning about and starting to enjoy making changes that I wish I had learned about when I was dancing. 😉 My whole body is grateful for this learning. I have more energy than I have ever had, and that is saying something!

I no longer feel disconnected. In fact I am enjoying more high quality connections than I have ever had in my entire life, and my relationships with my children, family and friends has never felt stronger or better.

Life isn’t perfect, that isn’t how it works, life is a journey, and one that reminds me very much of my dancing days. It’s a work in progress, fine tuning, working on areas that need improving whilst maintain and strengthening areas that are already strong.

I want to help others live their best life. I plan on completing courses in coaching and counselling. At 15 I had my life mapped out. I wanted to be a dancer first, as my career was unlikely to go past age 25. Then I wanted to be a stay at home Mum for 5- 10 years and then I wanted to be a psychologist who worked with teens that were experiencing a difficult life. After that, I wanted to be an actress, and play all the old-lady roles in movies and TV.

So, I have always wanted to work with teenagers and have a good rapport with teens in general. This is attested by the relationships I have with not only my own teens, but their friends and greater circle of acquaintances.

Given my experience in the philosophies and the tools that are provided during Live Your Best Life courses, I believe teenagers would be creating excellent thinking strategies that would provide a strong foundation for the rest of their lives. Not only providing strategies to assist them to navigate the difficult waters that teenagers experience, but they would benefit for the rest of their lives knowing they have the tools to rely on to build their very best life from a young age. How inspiring to think how amazing our next generation could be given the right tools.


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