LYBL Mover’s– Tara is a stretch specialist and runs flexibility, mobility, balance and strength classes locally in Lake Macquarie.

The primary focus of the 1hr stretch and flexibility class LYBL Movement is to get the entire body moving freely and effortlessly – to be set free from aches and pains and experience life on your terms.

LYBL Movement takes into account different levels of physical fitness as well as other limiting physical restrictions due to illness, injury or condition. The class is progressive meaning, it takes into consideration a person who does not partake in regular exercise or has limited movement compared to a person who hits the gym 5 days a week.

LYBL Movement has the power to:

1) Reduces Stress

Professionals in the fitness and health industries have noticed the correlation between stretching and relieving stress.

The body’s “fight or flight” response is triggered with stress and the body tenses up. Chronic pain arises in these places where tension is held, such as in the shoulders, lower back, neck and head. Stretching interrupts that defensive response and provides relief to the tense body.

2) Increasing Circulation

Stress can restrict blood flow leading to knots in the muscles in the shoulders and neck. Stretching, according to the Mayo Clinic, increases blood flow to the muscle and aids circulation. Improving circulation allows muscles to relax, leading to greater heart health and cardiovascular function.

Stretching also promotes circulation of new blood to the brain, which can result in mood elevation, allowing any stress to roll off your body and mind.

3) Reduces Pain

When bodies are tight, people are more susceptible to pain and injury. Muscles tense up, and people don’t move as freely, or might not want to move at all.

Restriction of movement or painful movement can bring on stress simply because it’s harder to get around. It can cause you to miss work or social engagements, adding to stress and decreasing quality of life.

4) Deepen Breath and Build Awareness

When holding a stretch, people tend to allow the breath to stretch out as well. Harvard researchers discuss the benefits of deep breathing to soothe the body and release stress.

While deep breathing might seem unnatural, they say, it promotes full oxygen exchange, which can slow the heartbeat and lower or stabilize blood pressure, inducing a more relaxed state of being.

Being mindful of how and when to incorporate breathing into your everyday life begins by practicing in a setting where you can experience it first hand.

5) Stretching is for Everyone – Peak athletes as well as those who have physical limitations benefit from movement practice as part of their health and wellbeing lifestyle.

6) Not to mention, you will feel better and be more productive.

Tara Davidson, LYBL Health and Wellness Coach and Stretch Specialist, is passionate about movement and the power it has to enhance people’s health and life. Tara has worked in the allied health industry for over 15 years. Her knowledge of the body and how it works comes from her hands on experience as a massage therapist working along side physiotherapists as well as her theoretical knowledge and wisdom gained over the years in the health and wellbeing industry.

“A key ingredient to feeling more motivated, focused and energetic is to move your body. Energy creates energy. The first step is to begin.”



You can contact Tara Davidson for more information on days and times of LYBL Movement classes via

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