A little mid air flight inspiration between Newcastle to Melbourne this morning ……….

Reflecting on….what makes the biggest difference towards living your best life & building your best business? ……..

  1. Right tools
  2. Right words
  3. Right people
  4. Right goals


Belief drives everything…

It is your best tool…

It will improve your performance & make any job you embark upon easier to complete.

When you gain belief it’s usually backed up by clear & powerful certainty & trust which becomes like your rocket fuel!

When you believe it’s going to work & that it will be worth your effort you can & will find the energy within you to influence others to follow.

Doubt, skepticism, negativity….are all the under current that will leave you unexposed to all that is truly available…you will typically be ineffective at leading others or yourself…and you will quickly lose energy & momentum.

It’s the duldrums in life & business success.

So set yourself a vision and a belief that serves you in your life & business & allow others to see through you that their own vision can also become a reality because your belief is genuinely unwavering despite the odds & the challenges that come with both life & business.

Other tools you need are instructional & inspirational audios, recordings, meetings & events.

You need to keep plugged in…always!

The right tools will save you energy.

Everyone who succeeds at something uses tools.

Overlook the cost of tools, see them as an investment as there’s a higher price to pay if you skip it!


There is an amazing power in your spoken word – internal & external dialogue.

Uplifting & empowering words & phrases can magically add value to your life & in business, to your team – the right words have positive influence.

In contrast to that at the same time, negative words & phrases have an amazing ability to destroy your confidence, ruin your influence & damage relationships.

What you say to yourself & to others will have a great impact.

When you choose the right words it will multiply your positive results in your life & business.

We all want to think we matter.

We all want to be respected.

We all want to know we have potential.

The key to this is coming from your heart & by carrying a belief that it’s true.

The right words will empower you & others & release your potential; the wrong words will keep them & you captive.

Remember…you are always listening to all you say!


If you invest your time with people who are ineffective, unresourceful, inconsistent or unwilling to work on themselves in their life or their business, you will go down in flames with them & wonder what went wrong.

No amount of friendship or attention will overcome laziness or purposeless ways or lack of discipline in another person.

The right people are not necessarily those with talent, potential or even their desire to live their best life or build their best business….the right people are those who want more for themselves in life, are willing to work and are willing to learn.

Watch out for the “wrong” people & realise you have choices as to where you invest your time, energy, effort & resources.

I find in life there really are not that many “wrong” or “difficult” people as they usually have the greatest potential – they need a good heart as their foundation & a solid character in which to desire their own change.

We all have potential…it’s up to us to decide it’s there or to take opportunities when others believe in us before we do.

Just a small caveat here…the right people don’t always look the part…so watch your belief system here!


Goals are very personal..

However, the only difference between having a goal & not having a goal is results!

This is the simple truth…

Goals are the ultimate multiplier – learning to set the right goals & achieve them must be your first priority.

Goals are not some vague or general idea of what you want.

They would be your aspirations.

Goals must be specific & deliberate, created from your heart with emotional substance & a deadline.

Many people I work with want to just “work hard & hope for the best towards building their best life & business”

Working with a specific target and deadline will always produce far less results than working with a clear plan and goal.

What are you focused on accomplishing?

How will you define your own best life & business?

Why are you doing what you are doing?

In order to really harness the power of your goals as a multiplier, be sure to have some short term goals & targets, appropriate for your own pace, that keep you lit up & your own internal flame burning ?

Ask yourself…

Who do I need to become? What beliefs will serve me? What do I have to do?When should I do it? What will the results of my actions & thoughts be?

You need to be prepared for the obstacles you will encounter once you decide to live your best life & build your best business in this way because you will be inviting challenges in….they will test you beyond your own imagination…it’s where you will learn & grow the most….so having goals will help you & empower you to refuse to give up.

You will fire up your 10/10 belief system & if not then you will find excuses.

You will find solutions rather than excuses….you need to make yourself a 10/10 in your own life!

Better to count on yourself, the power of your belief and a clear goal than on the people around you.

All I know is that when you have clear goals, you “attract” the right people, anything you are trying to create tends to duplicate and your overall results in your life & business tend to duplicate.

People often say to remove the emotion from their lives & business.

I say use it as your rocketship fuel ?

Your emotions tend to level out the more you apply the 4 R’s – but your depth of meaning deepens beyond your current realisation because as you move forward you become who you need to be.

When you’re focused on the right goal it will emotionally impact you every day.

Be clear, be willing to consistently commit to get it done, with belief and the right people around you.


Comparison can be evil….compete only with yourself & remember YOU are the problem and YOU are also the solution ?

Also remember….you not only deserve to live your best life & to build your best business….you were born to ❤️

Every day I am always grateful for having you here in my life & love that together we are not just building our best businesses with those that I am, but together we are designing, creating & living our best lives each & every day!

That’s so freakin’ awesome & empowering on so many levels ❤️


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