The ‘Live Your Best life’ philosophy has been at the heart and soul of my journey, even as a young girl growing up in Brisbane. I’m certainly not one to do things by halves and my quest in my 35 years has been filled with many adventures.

I was a child dancer with the Queensland Ballet at the age of 11, I had travelled and performed in Europe by the age of 15 (this included Paris Euro-Disney, London’s Covent Garden and Milan to name a few).

I’ve shaken hands with Pope John Paul II. In my early adult years I owned and operated my own business in Darwin at age 23 (for 6 years). From there I worked my way up the corporate ladder through the last 7 years across News Ltd and Amex.

My greatest achievement is to say I have now visited over 20 countries learning different cultures, languages and perspectives across my lifetime so far, I say this because it gives me the ability to build rapport with anyone from any walk of life. I have absolute intrigue and lack of judgement for any person I meet, I love to meet new people.

What comes with diving into life at 100% is that it’s certainly not about playing it safe, because of that, I have many examples of life’s challenges and the mindset used to overcome them. This colourful life has been the perfect training ground for what it is my soul’s calling.

This year I stepped away from the rat race into my truth as a Life Coach, I have been studying this part time for 2 years and feel proud to honour and serve from the heart now every day. If we haven’t met yet, I hope we will, and be sure to find me for a famous heart to heart Tigger hug! It’s my intention to leave every place I enter better than it was before me being there, that includes my time with you!

The founder and CEO of LYBL, the incredible Michele Jones has been a beacon of hope and inspiration to me since I was 23. Back then I was just starting out in the business domain and we have travelled through many of life’s challenges and celebrations to form a soul family connection.

Michele is one of my greatest mentors, a friend and soul sister and I hold deep honour and gratitude that our dream of collaborating is finally here. I see so many of my values mirrored with LYBL and can only hope to bring my absolute best to the ambassador team.

I talk about mindset a lot and believe to truly understand me is to get see how I live through life. I have a daily spiritual practice which keeps me very grounded. I aim to live an inspired life everyday through self leadership. I take full responsibility for this life I am living, I own my lessons along the way and therefore take full credit for my achievements too.

My happiness is not a mistake, it includes the planning of activities into my weekly calendar to nourish my soul, feed my values and share heart to heart connections with those I love and cherish.

I look forward to meeting you soon and I’ll leave you today with my favourite quote which aligns perfectly with LYBL theme that everything you and I have is always within us, we are already whole and complete.


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