Why is it harder to stay fit in winter?

The winter months always seem harder to get active compared to the rest of the year. The daylight hours get shorter, and it’s just cold. As the weather gets colder it’s much easier to tell yourself it won’t matter if you miss a workout, or it’s okay to indulge in comfort foods as you’re only thinking short-term. It’s not just our physical health that can suffer in winter, I have noticed, increases in symptoms of depression throughout winter, and with seasonal winter depression is strongly associated with increased appetite, decreased physical activity and hypersomnia, winter can create a very vicious negative cycle in relation to health and wellbeing.

So what can you do?

Top three strategies for staying fit in winter

1. The Why Factor – Take time to understand your ‘Why’ this will assist you to stay focused on your commitment to yourself. Remember, summer bodies are built in winter! Stay focused on to what you want to achieve, whether it’s a spring fun run, or to be energetic, keep up with the kids or to manage your mental health, Write down your wellness vision, your ‘why’ and put it on the fridge, make yourself a vision board, get creative! Remember to reward yourself, something you can look forward to when the warmer weather arrives.

2. Take Action. Design and create a fitness plan. What are your going to do this winter? How many days a week, for how long? It is important to schedule time into your day. Also, dedicate to try something new – the winter it is great time to join that boxing class or maybe set some new targets to work towards during winter to keep your interest and motivation up!

2. Accountability – line up a workout buddy – having a friend or family member exercise with you is a great way to keep yourself accountable, and could also be some friendly competition to keep your workout intensity up! Another great idea is investing in a wellness coach to keep you focused and motivated.

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