I was told by many mentors over the early days of my student life & entrepreneurial journey that I’d never be able to blend the 2 niches of life & business.

To me it just didn’t make sense that time & time again I was told I wouldn’t be able to do it, it can’t be done, it just won’t work…..

It’s fair to say….I believe they got it wrong!!

Over the past 26 years of doing what I do for people in life & business, let me tell you what I know for sure.

That with every connection….
Every conversation….
Every coaching / mentoring session…
Every training….
Every advisory word…
Every moment in time alongside them…
Over 27,000 hours…..sharing in their dreams & biggest fears
Their passions, purpose & dreams….

At the core of it all they have all said & say the same thing.

“I went into business for myself because I desired a better life for myself & for my family/future family or to somehow make a difference”

That their business allows them a life of freedom & choice.

So, to me it simply appeared that these 2 things – life & business – were intrinsically linked.

That they belonged together….

That every Business Owner I had the privilege to meet, that every up & coming Entrepreneur felt it in every cell of their body!

So, how could you ever separate the two?

This stuff truly matters to them.

There’s more invested into it then you think.

I’ve had the privilege of walking this path with so many people….their vision, their mission, their purpose, their passion, their blood sweat & tears….their ups & downs….all of their moments in time.

All of it…

It’s not experienced or felt separately…

It’s even more obvious to me that when I work with those that blend their life & business that they are more driven, determined & somehow have more grit & determination to succeed.

However success looks & means to them…it’s a personal thing.

You can see something sparkle in their eye from deep within.

I challenge you to cross any Entrepreneurs path & challenge them differently….they will take you down…as they defend all they have created & worked hard for.

There are many things that set them apart from those who never walk the entrepreneurial path….the size of their dreams, their interest in what they do, their ability to keep showing up & being open to their gaps & lessons to keep closing them…..but above all it’s their desire to make a difference & to feel what it’s like to live at their best version of themselves.

Statistically it’s not good odds when they’re starting out.

The odds are stacked against them…

They defy the odds…

Even as I reflect it’s hard to believe that I opened up my business doors 11 years ago!!

Yes, I’ve defied the odds!

In life & in business….

Right even down to surviving cancer!

How its all morphed & changed as I have.

  • Concierge For You
  • Executive Coach For You
  • Business Coach For You
  • Life Coach For You
  • Wellness Coach For You
  • Wealth Coach For You
  • Workboats For You
  • Partyboats For You
  • House Boats For You

Then to become the For You Corporation…an umbrella to house all of the ideas of my lucrative purposes under the one brand & name.

Apart from LYBL – Live Your Best Life – our global brand & movement with a heartbeat unto itself, how you’ve made such a difference to the lives of many, you are like a child who does us proud as your parents!

What a journey it has been.

One that’s paved so much of my heartbeat towards my own best life.

An Entrepreneurial mind always knows there is always more to access to explore, to learn, to expose, to educate & teach & to share – so on my mission to empower life so that more people everywhere are living their best life it’s time to awaken the metaphorical giant from within.

TONY ROBBINS I’m looking forward to our 4 day date that kicks off tomorrow morning….I am all yours as I arrive with my curious mind, my excitement, dreams & desires to keep transcending & pushing beyond the current boundaries I have imposed upon myself.

You have lead the way for so many & I am ready to be the technician, the student, the innovating entrepreneur…

I am ready to ask myself the hard questions.

I am ready to get real…

I am ready to answer the questions you ask that I haven’t even thought of yet!

I am ready to grow beyond the walls of possibility!

BUSINESS MASTERY is what it’s called & behind these closed doors is where the magic will happen.

  1. Innovation.
  2. Effective Business Map.
  3. World Class Marketing.
  4. Raving Fans.
  5. Sales Mastery.
  6. Finances & Legals.
  7. Optimising People & Processes.

I’m ready to awaken the giant some more & to allow my best life to shine its light through all I leave behind in this lifetime & the lives of those who I am privileged to share the journey with.

Every Entrepreneur needs Fuel…

Build Your Best Business….

So that you can….

Live Your Best Life…..


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