As you may have seen this month we highlight our relationships segment of our wheel of life.

We chose December as relationships month as it tends to be the time of year we’re coming together with our loved ones and embracing all of the festivities.

But we also know this month can be tough for many many people, with additional stressors, deadlines, finances and sometimes even grief can read its head as we head into festive season.

Dysfunctionality within family units, within ourselves & with others at any level seems to be heightened and stares at us glaringly in the front and centre as we countdown to what for many is not a happy time. 

And when there is additional stress, our minds can feel so chaotic that we can often find it hard to truly enjoy and just be in the moment with our loved ones, which then ends up not serving anybody in the process. 

So we want to share our best tips on nurturing your relationships this month and also so that you can nurture the relationship within yourself and fill your cup so much that you can show up as your best self and leave not only your cup full, but you’re loved ones too. 

  • Write a list of everything that needs to be done so you can get clear and set yourself an action plan to achieve it by Christmas 
  • Do up a gift planner and write it all down to keep gift buying at minimal stress
  • Put down your phone during festive events and be present 
  • Take small breaks for yourself when needed or feeling overwhelmed to ground yourself
  • Remember to continue your daily gratitude practice 
  • Stay healthy! Pure Water & Air, Good Sleep, Good Nutrition and Exercise all play a massive role in how we feel & show up everyday
  • Forgive yourself & others during this crazy month 
  • Remove expectations and pressures that simply don’t align with your own values 

And most importantly – remember to give yourself a whole lot of self love this month! While nurturing our closest relationships is important, we think it’s just as if not more important to continue to nurture the relationship with yourself. As the old saying goes, ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’.

December is almost over so let’s enjoy what’s left, each and every year, and remember, it always, always works out.

Take a breath and slide with grace and ease as to how you would like it to be. 

Big Love,



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