Each of us here on this planet was born with an innate wisdom within. 

People will spend a big chunk of their lives feeling unfulfilled looking outside for their purpose here on this earth only to uncover that it was inside of them all along.

What’s the best way to connect with you inner self?

I believe, through my own personal experience that one way is through the power of meditation.

I can hear you say from here ‘how can I unlock my full potential through sitting still?

Meditation is where we access our unconscious mind consciously. 

Through a daily meditation practice you’ll begin to notice the effects within your physical body, and activate your intuitive self so that you can begin to unravel who you are.

Meditation will allow you to move your mind and body out of the fight or flight response and into a stay of ease, calm and trust connecting you to who you truly are.

It will relieve you of any everyday stressors out of your nervous system and propel every area of your life – your relationships, your sleep, your health and more importantly your memory and focus which will dramatically improve your productivity within your work life and remember who you are.

I truly believe a daily meditation practice will boost your career or business so much that I challenge you to indulge in a meditation at least once a day for the next 30 days – the chances are you’ll be so thrilled with the positive effects a daily meditation practice brings to your life that you’ll adopt this far beyond the 30 day challenge. 

What’s one month out of the scope of your entire life if it is to be the one thing that you identify to create that 1% or 10 degree shift you truly require to allow you to see more clearly. 

To get you started, please find a link below for a one of my meditation classes.


This one is on me…

Why? Because I know the difference meditation has made to my life and I don’t want you to have any barriers to doing this.

You could simply commit to watching this one meditation over and over again each day for 30 days and reap the many rewards & benefits that meditation and the power of focus bring. 

If you feel called to continue or dive in on more deeply & truly give this a go then please find a link below to purchase 11 classes to support & bolster your efforts to achieve this liberation of mind and your freedom through unlocking the learnings available within that guide you to your life’s ultimate purpose. 


We’re here for you Best Lifer…

Remembering who you are is the most valuable gift you can give to yourself & to all those around you, who love you. 

Big love



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