With the launch of the Best Life Blueprint™ program happening this week, I wanted to quickly share and hone in on exactly who this program is for.

Do you ever make promises to yourself that you never keep?

And then by breaking those promises you feel you will never stick to anything?

Do you dim your light to make others comfortable around you, because you worry about what they might think?

Do you love personal development & self-discovery, and see it as magic but when it doesn’t work in an instant you quit on yourself?

This is so common in the first phases of ‘Your Awakening’.. in the first phases of beginning your best life adventure.

And you are not alone.

Maybe you feel afraid to simply just let go & trust?

You can visualise your best life and constantly see it clearly unfolding out in front of you.

There is often a gap between here and there, and that’s where you can at times feel stuck.

You love to journal, dream about your goals and create vision boards about it and get excited about calling in all of the things that you know represent your best life.

With each image you are attracted to, you feel it, you sense it, you see it, you even taste it, but it seems often so far away from your reality.

You know deep down you’re a good person and an amazing friend to others.

But at times you feel disconnected and lonely despite being loved and liked by many.

You are connected to your soul at a deep level, but often wonder why your mind often gets the better of you.

Sometimes it runs so wild that it keeps you at up night with worry, anxiety and doubts, often leading to sleepless nights, or the desire to hit the snooze button.

Where do those thoughts come from & why, when you ultimately know they’re not true?

You are committed to good success habits, but at times you prefer to cut corners and ‘cheat’ a little because the routine of success habits become mundane and a little boring and at times make you feel like you’re on the hamster wheel of life.

You find yourself doing for doing’s sake, taking action on the things you believe represent a good worth ethic rather than being present in each moment and knowing wholeheartedly that the universe holds you and has your back.

You have been conditioned to believe there is no other way, because it does bring results and when you don’t follow them

you notice crazy thoughts start to fill your mind – as you’re failing because you didn’t execute what you said you would.

You are an intelligent being but some days you simply feel dumb.

Thoughts become clouded, your mind becomes foggy & your vision can often cloud over.

You find yourself scrolling on social media feeds and comparing yourself to others.

You then feel annoyed at yourself for almost hating others living their best lives even though at the same time you feel inspired and happy for them.

Deep down you actually know that the picture of all you see isn’t even real.

But it still pulls you in with a deep desire wanting all that you see and questioning ‘why not me?’.

You beat yourself up more than others do because you set such high standards for yourself that almost make life seem hard or that all you desire is always just out of your reach.

Do you ever make promises to yourself that you never keep?

And then by breaking those promises you feel you will never stick to anything?

You never share these secrets so that you never get caught out…the cycle then continues.

You worry about what your family & friends think which means you make decisions that keep you small and hold you back

from the truth of your deepest essence.

You dim your light to make others comfortable around you, because you worry about what they think.

You love personal development & self-discovery, you see it as magic but when it doesn’t work in an instant you quit on yourself.

You don’t hold on & stay true – you lose focus, and convince yourself that now is perhaps not the right time, therefore believing that maybe for a brief moment in time it’s not meant for you & that you will come back to it – but you never seem to.

This makes you believe that true best life living and success must only be meant for others.

You are learning to trust yourself, but some days you have self-doubts.

You’re impatient which means that you often stop digging just before that moment you unearth the diamonds.

Yet you know that all diamonds were born out of pressure, life’s challenges and a bit of friction, and that there must come a time to face life head on.

You know with every cell in your being that you were meant to live your best life, and deep down you keep trusting that you will.

You also know that you deserve it, but most importantly that you were born to.

You also believe that everyone on the planet is deserving of abundance, but when you look at your bank account, it feels like an empty cup rather than a full one and you feel the sense of lack and insecurity that this brings.

You’re afraid to let go & trust.

You’re actually an ultimate manifester but your beliefs often hold you back from receiving, because somewhere deep down you think you may not be worth it and that you might get found out for who you actually believe you are.

You’re a deep person & you love life, but you’ve decided it’s safer to spend life living on the surface rather than living

life fully immersed in the deep end.

This is our invitation to take the plunge and dive on in…

Our Best Life Blueprint™ Program was created for you if you have read this and felt it, or related to some of it and thought ‘yes… that is me, I do that’.

To guide you on your way back to your true life path fuelled with the gifts of your inherent nature and wisdom and being to start living a life that feels truly fulfilling.

A place where you don’t feel broken or that something is missing within you.

A place where you know with your whole heart you are whole and complete and that nothing is missing and that you were born to live your best life.

This program was created to guide you on your way back to your true life path fuelled with the gifts of your inherent nature, steeped in your wisdom and sense of complete being so that you can start living a life that feels truly fulfilling – your best life.

Best Life Blueprint 2.0 launches in just 2 days.. are you ready to accept your call to adventure and gain that sense of freedom within?

I trust you’re ready for a life changing year best lifer!

I can’t wait to see you transform and embody the truth of what best life living is all about for you. 

Big Love




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